Monday, July 27, 2009

Vacation, all I ever wanted

We're getting ready for our beach vacation. Delaware, here we come! We packed and cleaned and got the house in order. The Bub slept. Thank goodness.

Now we're kicking back, eating leftovers from the fridge and getting ready to pack up the car once The Bub decides that nap time is officially over.

We'll see you in a week with some awesome beach pics.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Attention blog readers!

All 5 of you. Please let me know what you think of the latest layout in text and color. Is it readable on your computer? You can send me an email or use the comments area. Thanks!

Helping in the kitchen

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Uh oh, ahead of the curve?

OK so now that The Bub can stand, it's all he wants to do. Even toys have lost their luster unless he can play with them while standing up. He's still pretty wobbly but getting better and yesterday, he tried to get from point A to point B while on his feet. He wasn't able to figure out how to take a step without falling, but I'm sure he'll get it before long. I'm afraid he'll be walking early. As a friend said about early walkers: it's all mobility and no brains. Nerdy joked that maybe we should just strap him into the stroller for a couple of months so he can't practice! As requested, here are some photos.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Crawling, finally on video

Moving right along... He'll go a long way to get his hands on the stroller wheels.

8 month stats

The Bub went to the doctor on Friday and officially weighs 19 pounds and is 29 inches tall. He also got the green light to eat all (healthy) food except for peanuts and honey! I'm very excited to feed him everything we eat. We tried peas today. He wasn't too excited but ate a little bit. Then later during playtime he smiled big and I saw a bright green stash of peas in his cheeks.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Constitutionally sweet

I think babies who are this Sasha's age are the reason people have more kids. He's old enough now to have a personality and an attitude, but he's young enough to have an unadulterated love for his Moms. My mere presence seems like enough to make him smile and be happy. Not all the time, of course, but usually. He'll guffaw at a silly face or a game of Hide and Seek as though it was the funniest thing on earth. (Hide and Seek for an 8-month-old: I move my head a foot to the right or left and avert my eyes and let the giggling begin.)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mr. Big Stuff

Sasha is pulling himself up to standing position on anything that is conveniently shoulder height. Right now, his favorite activity is crawling to the air conditioner (uninstalled and in the middle of the living room), pulling himself up, and then gnawing on the cardboard flaps. Yum!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Off to save the world in her pink coupe! Don't mess with a girl who can dress herself, stickers and all.