Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Some of you readers may know that every Monday Nana drives to Brooklyn from the Bronx to babysit Sasha and to give me some Sasha-free time. I love it-- a few hours every week all to myself. It's also really good for Sasha. He loves hanging out with Nana and because he sees her every week, he's always comfortable with her. Lately, he doesn't even notice me leave. Or rather, he notices, he just doesn't care because hey, Nana's here so don't let the door hit you on your way out.

Yesterday, however, was a milestone. As I do every Monday, I tell him a little before she gets here that "Nana's coming!" so he's prepared and knows that I'll be leaving soon. Usually that gets no identifiable response. But yesterday when I told him, he whipped his head around and said, "NANA!" Then he said again, "Nana," and ran for the door. I'm still amazed. He really is developing at such a fast pace.

So now he has a two-word vocabulary: Mama and Nana. And Moo if you count animal sounds. I suppose he'll learn my name when he's old enough to say "chopped liver." Seriously, though, when he says "Mama" it's unclear if he's referring to me or Nerdy or both of us interchangeably; it's the subject of some debate.

One thing's for sure: Nana = fun. Here are some pictures to show the love.


  1. Hey chopped liver, glad you get some time to yourself. Do you go to the library and take a nap. ;-) But seriously, what a great set-up for everyone. Yay for Nanas all over the world!

  2. Awwwww....those are such adorable pictures!!!! And I laughed my ass off (not literally, but a girl can dream, right?) when I read the "chopped liver"----I can SOOOOO relate!!!

  3. Babies sure do love their grandmas! There's just something about grandma's that equal "wonderful" in a kids eyes. I still remember that Carrie didn't think my toast was as good as Grandma's toast! What? Toast? How can you screw up toast? But that's the undeniable tie between gamma's (as Taylor says) and their grandchildren. It's totally unexplainable... But I love being on the receiving end of all that love and adoration:)

  4. I agree with you Monica. I love being at the receiving end of such love. It is the fuel that helps me fight the traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge! And I remember my childrearing days and what even a few precious hours to myself meant to me.

  5. OMG, he's talking? That's craziness. You (Nerdy & Wisco) are so funny debating the "Mama." How nice that Nana provides a bit of much needed 'free' time.
