Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Gong Show

Most nights when it's Sasha's bedtime, Nerdy gives him a bath while I cook dinner. It's usually a quiet time, and often she sings him songs while he's bathing because he loves it. Tonight, though, he had a very strong opinion about her song choice. I was in the kitchen laughing at this conversation.

"Let's sing the ladybug song! One two three, four five six, seven eight-- "
"How about Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and-- "
"Should I do The itsy bitsy spider went up the-- "
"OK. Um... Sing. Sing a song, sing it loud-- "
"Oh, you love this one. One bottle pop, two bottle pop, three-- "

Finally she hit the jackpot with the Elmo song. She was allowed to sing the whole song without interruption. And again and again and again. Every other suggestion received "NAAAAH" pronounced with a big smile.


  1. It's such a big milestone when little ones can give you their opinion. It's cute and also can be maddening! He keeps you two hopping!

  2. Agree with Monica! He's at the stage of deciding what he wants and letting you know about it. What stage is this called? individualizing? learning about boundaries? developing autonomy? Anybody out there know? It should be a fun couple of years seeing as how he's not in the Terrible Twos yet. ;-)

  3. Wonder what happens when or if you do not know the Elmo song? I better practice up.........

  4. I wonder what would happen if you just started singing a song you made up, maybe with a few "Sasha's" thrown in for good measure. Or what if you started singing Thriller (complete with moonwalk- I know not thriller, but still). Good job finding one he liked! It's cute that he smiles as he says no. Little pumpkin.
