Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Love My Friendly Son

Lately Sasha can't get enough of greeting everyone he sees with a nice wave and "Hi!" and "Bye!" It's cute and funny to interact with people on the street where we would otherwise pass each other unnoticed. But today... Today takes the cake.

We went to a Vietnamese coffee/sandwich place and they have a maneki neko on the front counter. What the heck is that? I never knew the name of it until now, but it's one of those Japanese cats with the upraised arm (the translation is "beckoning cat"). They're for good luck, more money, more customers, etc.

The shop we visited had a triple cat statue with whiskers and a gold one with a moving arm. I guess they need a lot of luck. Anyway, Sasha starts meowing at the cat while we're waiting for our order. I let him touch the whiskers and check it out for a few seconds, but the coffee came really fast. So we took a seat and the Bub is facing the cats though we're a fair distance away. But now he notices the one with the constantly waving arm. Then: Waving. Hi! Waving. Hi! Meow! Waving. Hi! Hi! Meow! Waving. Meow! Hi! Hi!

I usually try not to laugh when he's being serious, but I couldn't help the guffaws. Even more ridiculous, he wouldn't stop until I blocked his view by sitting in between the cats and my sweet goofball.


  1. What a sweet story, Wisco. Made my day after paying Uncle Sam some of my hard-earned money today. Big hug to you, Bub, and meow, meow. Love you!

  2. It is thanks to his parents that he is so open and friendly! Good work both of you.

  3. Ditto what Lynn said! He's a lucky little guy!!

  4. This makes me laugh out loud every time I read it!

  5. I love this story. omg, so cute!

  6. Mom and I were laughing and reenacting this whole scene (imagining we were there to see it) at my house the other day! I wish I could have seen it in person :)

  7. Is this maneki neko as large as it looks in the photo--like 3 or 4 feet tall? or is that an optical illusion?

  8. I read this blog and just realized I didn't comment. He sounds like just a friendly and polite little guy! The story was too cute! Sure wish I could have been there.

  9. I read this blog and realized I haven't read the comments in a while. He's certainly friendly, and we're training him on the polite part. When he needs help opening something we've taught him to say Open, Please. It sounds like Aba Baba Ba.

  10. And no, I don't think the cat is 4 feet tall. I think that would scare all the customers away!

  11. Have you been back since the day you went and he said hi and meow and waved at the cat?
