Thursday, June 3, 2010


I'm not sure why Sasha hears "Taylor" as "Kaka," but anyway that's what he calls her. They had a blast together, and now that they're both old enough to want to play together it's a lovefest. We spent some time in Taylor's new house, playing on the deck and the pool and the-toy-hurricane-just-hit playroom.  Most of the time, though, they spent playing in the backyard at Grandma's house.  They got along all right, due in part to Taylor's patience with him after being reminded by Mom that "Sasha's only one," and so she needed to be more forgiving. She even asked him for a hug after he got wild with a rope and accidentally lassoed her around the neck and face (long story, don't ask). What a true sweetheart.

The Bub learned a few unfortunate things from his beloved cousin. For example, how to scream "MIIIIIIIIIINE!" when someone threatens to take away a toy. Or how to push a step stool over to Grandma's bed so they could climb up and jump around on it. There were also a few sippy-cup battles that needed defusing. Apparently water and juice always taste better in someone else's cup. Once we tried to get them to share a cup. Taylor played along nicely for a turn or two and then finally tried to drink down the entire cup before taking it out of her mouth and finishing her "sip." I fear the two of them together as they get older and bigger and more clever in their mischief.


  1. This post is great. They really do get along pretty fabulously. Love all the pics where they're doing the same things.

  2. Awwwwwww.......*sniff*sniff*
    They had so much fun together!! She still asks for him at least once a day :) Loved being able to see you more than the usual long weekend vacay---although with naptimes and early bedtimes, I didn't see either of you as much as I would have liked!!!
    Love you all and hope you can move closer soon :)

  3. Love the pictures! Sweetness. But Kaka? Boy, is he going to get razzed by cousin Taylor when he gets old enough to know what most of us think kaka is!!

  4. Kay Kay is me, Mollie. Long story, but I use her name for an account I don't check very often--it's mostly for emails I get from online stores.
