Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Latest in Luxury

Ladies and gentlemen, we invite you to view the latest in luxury dinosaur transport. This gem of a vehicle features extravagant architecture and outstanding design. Choose from an array of options, including customized colors, windows, flowers, and a driver of your choice. Prepare to be amazed!

P.S. I promise that I will start posting to this blog again!


  1. That's quite the structure!!! Impressive! Hmmmm....I've been told by moms of boys to prepare for dinosaur obsession, and I see it may be true? Can't wait to see you all in a couple weeks!! Hopefully I'll have had this stubborn kid by then :)

  2. The final & emphatic word he said: "Mine", was the kicker! He is sooooo sweet. And the car noise he made were great. Wonder what little boys obsessesd about before dinosaurs became the "it" thing?

  3. Wow! Extravagant architecture is right. Hee, hee.

  4. One quick post: I had the RIGHT verb tense in my "car noise he made WAS great" the first time and went and changed it. What was I thinkin! I do NOT like to have incorrect verb tenses. ha ha. such a big problem. And I didn't even mention his towering structure!! It's a marvel--did he put this together (with some Mom help)? The Bub is so sweet--I'm so glad he has such great Moms to love him up!!

  5. Wow! That's some architecture! Is he possibly the next Frank Lloyd Wright? I love the noises that need to be made for the vehicle to work. Such a boy thing, isn't it? He's so cute and I can't wait to see him in person in two weeks!

  6. The dinosaur obsession isn't really. I bought him some cheap $1 dino figures and he's been having a great time with them. I don't know why kid stuff always features dinosaurs, but it's better than cars or guns or princesses.

    And for the record, he says "man," not "mine." He was narrating, I believe.

  7. Oh, "man," not "mine." Got it. Sorry, Bub!! Must be your Brooklyn accent. ;-) Are you sure dinosaurs are better than princesses?!!! Missing you guys. Hugs to all!
