Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Today's Stats

The Bub went to the doctor today for his regular check-up and to get some shots.  Not surprisingly to those of you who have seen him recently, he's a biggun.  27 pounds and 35 inches tall. (almost 3 feet! hilarious.) Compared to other American children, that makes him 62 %ile for weight and 96%ile for height.  No wonder he's throwing 2-year-olds out of his way in the playground pile-up at the top of the slide.

No, not really.  He's a very polite young boy.  But he has just started manifesting impatience and let me tell you it's not gonna be fun if the terrible twos start now.

He was a wonder at the doctor's office.  Sat very still and stared at her for the duration of the poking and prodding and all-up-in-his-business examination.  We actually thought he might fall asleep from the massage.  But then came time for the vaccines.  He's been pretty good about them so far, but now that he's getting older and more aware of the world around him I thought he'd get ticked off.  Or at least affronted that we conspired to hurt him.

I'm not sure who is more impressive: the doctor who stabbed him with a double needle and threw them out of sight so fast you would have missed it if you blinked, or the little bub that sat contently licking a lollipop as though nothing was amiss, no needles digging into his flesh or bloody stab wounds.  If that's the terrible twos, I'll take it: the terribly unconcerned and untroubled.


  1. Great post, Wisco. Thanks! So being 96 %tile means there are other kids his age who are that tall, right? But when you say 3 feet--wow! Yes, he may start getting impatient--aren't the terrible twos about them figuring out what they want and DON'T want, trying to have some power in their lives, figuring out how to navigate through this mental growth spurt--and they get "terrible" because they don't have the words yet to express themselves?

    Anyway, yay for the Bub for being so rockin' cool at the dr's office. You two have a gem of a boy.

  2. Wow, that sounds as though it went as well as someone could possibly wish. He is such a happy-go-lucky little guy. It's very refreshing and charming. I'm not surprised at the 96th percentile in height. I think he's gonna be tall. You're gonna have a son that towers over his two Moms- so cute.

  3. That's totally amazing that he didn't even flinch with the shot. You must have had the right "face" and attitude so he didn't sense anything bad was about to happen. He's such a good little guy. Very easy going and very fun for Grandma to have around!

  4. He's definitely happy-go-lucky. That's a good description. I hope it lasts his lifetime!

    And I had nothing to do with his bravery. I warned him that he was about to get some shots and that it might hurt. Then I held my breath. Really it was all about the lollipop.
