Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Winter Trip to Balmy Wisconsin

After promising Sasha for weeks that we would build lots of snowmen and sledding when we visited Grandma, we arrived to find a hopelessly thin and crusty layer of icy snow everywhere and almost no new snowfall during our entire visit. Meanwhile, NYC had yet another blizzard. Nonetheless, he was happy to find all kinds of activities to occupy his time. 

He spent lots of time playing with Cousin Taylor. Running around and around and around and around at her house or the Zimmer's or the Jensen's, all of which have architecture that allows running in circles through every room on the first floor.  Add a trampoline and beds to jump on and it was no surprise when they slept like bears in hibernation at nap time.  Beckett was around, of course, but mostly just staring longingly at (and being ignored by) the big kids who can walk and talk.  Sasha had a brief moment of attentiveness when he decided Beckett needed a bottle, so he held it for him while he drank and afterward wiped his chin with a towel.  Unfortunately, all three kids got sick near the end of our trip, with a fever (Beckett was spared this) and a cough and a runny nose.

Sasha also fell in love with playing house with Fisher Price Little People.  The old school kind.  Grandma gifted Sasha with a house and a few bags of people and accessories.  She also had a motherlode of Little People toys saved from when I was a kid: a gas station, a playground and school, a camping expedition set, a school bus.  It was the perfect fit for his increasing interest in pretend play, recreating conversations and daily activities with dolls and animals. 

What else does a kid do to fill his time in midwinter? Shoveled a winding path through the snow in the backyard.  Skyped with Mama, hugging her with arms around the computer screen. Developed an addiction to frozen "blueblerries." He also like to help Grandma keep Maggie in line, undoing her authority with his tiny echo.  This is what I heard in the yard as Maggie ran away into the neighbor's field:

   "Get back heeya."
   "Mahddie, don't go over daya."
  "Hey. Mahddie."

Maggie eventually sauntered back, but by then Sasha wanted to see what was so interesting over there and he took off sprinting through the snowy cornfield.

We spent a day at the Madison Children's Museum where I discovered that Sasha loves to paint. They have a huge window overlooking the street that's designed as a see-through glass canvas for the kids to paint on.  They provide aprons, paint and brushes, and a spray bottle and squeegee to make way for new masterpieces.  I suspect that his enjoyment had more to do with the spray bottle and squeegee than the paintbrush, but time will tell.

We also took a couple of trips to the Baraboo Public Library which apparently has the best children's library in the country.  First of all, it occupies an entire floor.  (This much I remember from being a kid.)  They've organized different sections for different ages. The main section is a room of all picture books surrounding huge comfy arm chairs.  The back room is for tweens and teens and includes a multimedia area.  Then there is Sasha's favorite section: the baby and toddler area.  The decor includes little bitty tables and chairs and a huge rug featuring a beautiful purple reading dragon and art from local schools. The lower shelves along one wall were cleared of books and instead held toys and puzzles and stuffed animals.  The corner had bean bag horse to lie on (guess where the Bub spent most of his time?) and shelves of chew- and tear-proof board books. Some craft supplies were sitting out in front of a non-working fireplace.  They even had a puppet show stage and a bucket full of puppets!  Just what I need to be able to look for books while he's occupied and not running out the front door like he does at our local branch.  Brooklyn Public Libraries, you have a lot to learn.

All in all, a good time was had by all.

Helping Grandma bring in firewood for the lovely wood-burning stove.

Watching the Packers game with Grandpa.

A snapshot of their constant motion.

I took this photo of Taylor next to her
amazing castle construction.
I took this photo after I showed her the first one and
she asked me in earnest, "Where's the smile?"

Taking a bath with a toy shaving set from Grandma.
Alas, I did not get a picture of Taylor "shaving his buns" every time he turned his back.

Ms. Taylor teaching her student how to read.

Taking a break from the runway to play with Grandma's bird call computer.

The beautiful Beckett, looking exceptionally good after some major weight gain
and a little craniosacral therapy.

Feeling the love.

Reading through a stack of library books.

Burgeoning cheesehead.


  1. I second the comment that "a good time was had by all." Brought tears to my eyes to see all the good times we had. But there will be more to come! Miss that little Sasha and miss all our talking you and I got in. Telephone conversations just aren't the same. Love and hugs!

  2. The mysterious case of the vanishing blog is solved and resolved! Sounds like a wonderful visit for everyone. Sasha is a lucky boy to have so much family.

  3. Awwwww.....these pics are making me weepy with missing you all!! So happy you could stay so long and that Taylor and Sasha got quantity as well as quality time together. Love you all tons!! Kisses and hugs to the Bub.

  4. Yeah, you're back!! I've missed the updated and awesome Sasha stories. We miss and love you! Hope we can skype soon so that Maya and
    Sasha can see each other
