Friday, February 25, 2011

No I'm Not

"OK I'm going to play the little green girl."
    "No! [tossing her back in the box] You're gonna be Happy Boy."
"Fine. I'm going to drive the green car."
    "No! You drive the motorcycle."
"Well then, Happy Boy is not going to drive, he's going into the garage."
    "No! Happy Boy is in the house."
"You're bossy!"
    "No I'm not. I'm Sasha."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Visiting Aunt Margot. And Sri!

We went to DC over the long weekend to visit Aunt Margot.  Sasha had a blast playing high energy games, jumping and skipping and running about.  With an eye to toddler entertainment, we went to the National Museum of Natural History and the National Building Museum.  Unfortunately,  the Bub slept for 3 hours while we wandered around the crowded Smithsonian waiting for him to wake up.  He finally did, and saw the "bone dinosaurs" and other cool things, though I think his excitement was muted by the deep sleep.  By the time we headed to the Building Museum, he was ready for fun.  I loved the place even though we didn't see much.  A whole corner of the Great Hall was dedicated to foam blocks, wooden sticks, legos, and other random building supplies that were scattered all over the floor.

Very kid-friendly despite its imposing stature.  Also a perfect labyrinthine running track for being chased by Aunt Margot.

"Together, Aunt Margot!" at the neighborhood playground.

Looking up at a T-Rex.

And Triceratops, too.
Little Duckie and his ride.

Building and destroying at the Building Museum.

Tossing coins in the fountain.

Building together in the Great Hall.


Monday, February 21, 2011

We Love You, Maggie

Rest In Peace

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wrapping Grandma's Birthday Present

Bub held the paper in place while I put tape on it.  When it was all wrapped and pretty, he says, "Look! It's a present! Let's open it!"  I explained that it was Grandma's, and therefore she would be the one to open it.  Undeterred, he proposed, "Maybeeeee... we can open it so she can see it!"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Young Man, There's a Place You Can Go

Yesterday the Bub and I headed to the local Barnes and Noble store to spend some time on a frigid day.  We took the bus, our new usual as most other modes of transport are not very functional right now. (Snow blocking street parking, ice blocking sidewalks and curb cuts, too cold for biking, and the train is no longer stopping at our stop. For the next SIX MONTHS.)

He's quite the expert rider.  He even learned from Mom how to shout to the empty air at the bus stop, "Bus! Where are you? Bus! We're cold!  Where are you warm bus? Oh, bus!!"  When it arrives, I hold his hand over the big step into the bus, then he lets go and runs into the bus while I juggle my Metrocard, gloves, a diaper bag, and a not-quite-folded stroller.  By the time I pay the fare, he's already climbed into a front-row seat and is quietly checking out the other passengers from his perch, feet barely over the edge of the seat.  In contrast, the first time I ever took a bus I was 18 years old and got all sweaty because I had no idea how it worked and I was gonna have to figure it out on the fly in front of the hordes of veteran riders.

When we get to our stop, he streaks for the door under the other passengers' feet.  Fortunately, he has the sense to stop when I yell to him to wait for me, because I'm afraid he would just tear out the door onto his face.  Because the day was so cold, I was planning on catching a second bus to the front door of the bookstore.  But we had to pass the YMCA on the way and got waylaid by his demands to "Play basketball!  Play basketball!"  They have open toddler sports throughout the week where they lower the basketball hoops, set out portable soccer nets and give the kids some balls. Our walking by coincided with one of the scheduled times.

One of the highlights for Sasha is being big: giving the entrance worker his gym ID to scan.  He's very professional, walking up to the guy and handing him the card and very seriously taking it back.  I gave him my card, too, this time and when the worker reached out for card #2, the Bub-- momentarily confused-- shook his hand before remembering he held another card.  And because I can't get enough of looking at this photo, I'll share it with you.  His very first card had a photo of him with a bib on and a pacifier in his mouth, but this one is still pretty funny.

Though we really don't go that often, he knows the joint: where we go to art class, where to get the balls, where the stretching room is so we can do our stretching routine and bang on the especially loud radiator cover,  where the water fountains and bathrooms are.  In fact, he insists on accompanying me to the bathroom stall so he can helpfully get toilet paper for me by ripping 2-centimeter-long pieces at a time. And he still loves to flush a toilet!  But how we play ball is different every time.  Here's one variation.

How to play soccer with a 2-year-old.

1. Turn net upside down.

2. Upset older children trying to play soccer according to rules.

3. Cheerily accommodate older children's request by playing offside with abandoned broken net.

4. Take rubber ball and push it through awesome hole in net.

  5. Let someone else retrieve ball while hanging from hole in net. Enlarge hole.

6. Fall into net and through hole. Score!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'll Rescue You

Lately the pipsqueak has been getting up (again!) at 5 am.  It feels even worse than before because we had a good couple of months when he was waking up some time between 6 and 7.  One especially painful predawn (why do I stay up late to watch Mad Men when the episode will be exactly the same if I watch it the next day?), Sasha really wanted to play a rousing game of Little People.  I just could not pull myself out of bed, not even for a freshly-brewed, poured, and doctored cup of coffee from Nerdy.

He begged, "Mamu, wake up!  I want to play!"  Instead of popping joyfully out of bed, I complained, "I can't, Sasha.  Help me, I can't get out of bed."  He sprang into motion.  He ran excitedly to the bed, shouting "Mamu, do you need to be rescued?  I'll rescue you!"  Then he stopped short at the bedside. "Oh! I need a boat!"  With this realization, he turned and surveyed the room for something ship-worthy.  And fantastically, there was. A large, plastic bin that we had just emptied the night before just sat there waiting for action.  He tossed the lid and pushed the bin over to the bed.  "Get in, Mamu!"  Unable to resist, I hopped in and he pulled me across the room where he beamed, proud of his heroic feat.  Rescue accomplished. "Now get out!"