Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'll Rescue You

Lately the pipsqueak has been getting up (again!) at 5 am.  It feels even worse than before because we had a good couple of months when he was waking up some time between 6 and 7.  One especially painful predawn (why do I stay up late to watch Mad Men when the episode will be exactly the same if I watch it the next day?), Sasha really wanted to play a rousing game of Little People.  I just could not pull myself out of bed, not even for a freshly-brewed, poured, and doctored cup of coffee from Nerdy.

He begged, "Mamu, wake up!  I want to play!"  Instead of popping joyfully out of bed, I complained, "I can't, Sasha.  Help me, I can't get out of bed."  He sprang into motion.  He ran excitedly to the bed, shouting "Mamu, do you need to be rescued?  I'll rescue you!"  Then he stopped short at the bedside. "Oh! I need a boat!"  With this realization, he turned and surveyed the room for something ship-worthy.  And fantastically, there was. A large, plastic bin that we had just emptied the night before just sat there waiting for action.  He tossed the lid and pushed the bin over to the bed.  "Get in, Mamu!"  Unable to resist, I hopped in and he pulled me across the room where he beamed, proud of his heroic feat.  Rescue accomplished. "Now get out!"


  1. This is hilarious! What a creative pipsqueak you have!! And kudos to you for what you do--I would not be able to get out of bed at 5 am unless my house was burning down. The sacrifices of Mamu and Mama!

  2. And he's strong! And fierce. ha ha!!

  3. What a great little guy! He's is so wonderful and full of childhood wonder. I love it and I love that you can pass those "wonder" moments on for the rest of the family to enjoy! Thank you.

  4. Did you manage this without motion sickness aids? Maybe Sasha will cure you. My sympathies about the early hour!
