Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More Pics from the Dairy State

Captains finding the way on the hike.

Bug? Rock? Snake?

But this fearless girl pet a snake that crossed our path only minutes later.

The cousins spent an hour at the stream.

Aunt Carrie cuddling.

Throw me again, Grandma!

BFFs in silliness.

How about let's put our apples on this spinning thing and watch them fly?

After bath.

Posing with Grandpa J.

I just walked straight up a bluff and now I'm resting.

Even more resting.

Hiking with Aunt Wendy.

Running the last mile for the promise of food at the end.

Going for a ride with Grandpa Z. "Wow. That's loud!"


  1. Great fun to see more photos of the family in the Dairy State. And good to see that Beckett made it into one of the photos--he really DOES exist. :-) Love Aunt Wendy's new haircut. Really great looking. And the BFFs in silliness. I can just see the Bub looking at that one about 20 years from now. What great memories. And the BRAVE Bug touching a snake--time for snake ID school!!
    Alo to all of you. xx

  2. Yes, Beckett really does exist! I'm sure living in Taylor's shadow will only last until he can walk and talk and declare himself. He's the most ambitious 8-month-old I have ever met!!!

  3. Ummm, I'm sorry, did you say Taylor pet a snake??? Why didn't I know about this craziness? I can't believe she didn't brag about it to me! Glad I wasn't there to inflict my panic onto her :)
    These pics totally make me miss you guys more!!! I love seeing Sasha and Taylor make great memories together!

  4. You didn't hear about the snake? It slithered right across the path in front of us, but it was going so slow, I think T had time to watch it, then consider the possibility that she could touch it since it was just sitting right there. She asked Grandma if it was okay, then reached down and put her finger on it. I thought she was going to be impressed with herself, but she was just like "oh," and went merrily on her way.
