Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mom, I'm Concerned About the Toilet

Frequently sighted in our bathroom lately: 

"It's totally dirty! I have to clean it."

Monday, December 19, 2011

Getting Into the Holiday Spirit

The Bub is learning all about the seasonal holidays in school.  They learned all about Hanukkah in school last week, making menorahs and sufganiyot (jelly donuts).  Over the weekend, I casually mentioned getting out our menorah so we could be ready for the holiday.  He stopped and asked, "We have a menorah?!" as if this was a great surprise.  But I guess we had spent the previous week attending to our christmas tree and making ornaments, so maybe that's why he figured we wouldn't have a menorah hidden away.  Then again, he's been telling everyone at school that he celebrates Hanukkah and Christmas, so who knows what he knows.  He asked us at the dinner table, "Have you ever had grahkiss taytoes?"  Nerdy and I looked at each other, each hoping the other one could translate.  "I'm not sure," said Nerdy diplomatically,  "What are they?"  "You know, you eat them."  Since most of the mysterious things he talks about can be traced back to school, and because it was Hanukkah week at preschool, I ventured a guess: "Potato latkes?"  "Yes!  Potato lakas!"

He's also excited by the presents under the tree, which he thinks are all for Grandma.  Hers was the first to be wrapped and put under the tree, so therefore all gifts that follow must also be hers.  I'm not about to set him straight.  Yet, anyway.  This weekend we went shopping for Taylor and Beckett and I asked Sasha to help.  He was happy to help, of course.  For Taylor he found candy just inside the door, a toy fire engine, a toy bus, a toy hot dog truck, and a stick horse that he rode around the store getting in everyone's way while joyfully yelling giddyup, horsey!  For Beckett, he found, um, nothing.  When I suggested we get a certain toy for him, Sasha agreed those would be good and then played with them that afternoon and the entire next day.  And some people say toddlers are self-centered.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I'm Allergic

--Does Mamu go to your school?


--Does she go to any school?


--Why not?

   --Because she's allergic to cows.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Deserving Punishment

Ghost Superman and I were rounding up bad guys this weekend. (G.S. is identifiable by his Halloween shirt and red cape.)  After capturing the big bad guy (Mama-- all bad guys are guys even when they're not), we tied him up face down and put him in the bad guy cave.  Then Ghost Superman went brutal.  He forcefully grabbed a catalog flyer and stuffed it under Bad Guy's face. "Here! Read this advertisement!"  Ruthlessly, he found another one, "Read this one, too!"