Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Daily Poop

Potty training, as I've mentioned, can have unintended and amusing consequences.  Like having a little person keeping me informed about the state of the toilet.  Another reward of the newly potty-trained child, if you're amenable, is his detailed inspection of what comes out of him.  For your entertainment, I will share with you some recent comments.  And also to help you start a similar observation program in your own home.  (If you're scatologically squeamish, please read no further.)

"Two poops. One big one and one little one."

"It's a mustache poop!"

 "A poop family."

"Wow.  That's a really long poop!"

"Hey, a moon poop."

"Oh my gosh.  Look at this tornado poop!"

"I'm not having diarrhea."

This last statement was Sasha's attempt to institute his friend Finn's strategy of Invent an Alternate Universe Where Things Are As You Wish Them To Be.  When we couldn't have a playdate because we were going to visit Grandma, Finn announced to his mom that in fact, Sasha's grandma is sick, so Sasha can't go and he's coming over to play instead.  Or when he announced that school was closed today, so we're going to Sasha's house to play instead.  Maybe this is another program you could institute in your own home.

The things you can learn from little boys.


  1. Now this was quite the blog! I really want to be around when the Bub is an adult and reads these blogs--first, I'm very curious as to what he will be drawn to in his adult life and two, if these blogs will embarrass him, or he'll just nod and say, yep, that's me. Still. LOL! And Finn's AUWTAAYWTTB (the acronym) is a brilliant invention for little boys to use. Or at least try to use!

  2. Priceless! And as for Finn's approach, I know some adults who still adhere to this program!

  3. Not only are these poop descriptions beyond hilarious, I would love to be a fly on the wall to see and hear YOUR responses. I mean, really, what does one say to "look at this poop tornado?"
