Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Little Kitties

...in their dog bed.

Breakfast with Beckett

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Haunted Pumpkin Garden

We went to the New York Botanical Garden yesterday to check out the gardens and forest.  Our ostensible purpose was to take Sasha to the Haunted Pumpkin Garden.  An incredibly beautiful place in the heart of the Bronx, NYBG was the perfect place to spend a fall afternoon.  The Haunted Garden was cool and kid-friendly, though I think Sasha was a little disappointed that he didn't see any glowing, haunted gardens like in the ads:

The entire place is a work of art.  I took a couple of photos, but was too mesmerized to really pay attention to the camera.  I highly recommend a visit!  Even the cafe food was delicious.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Oh My Darling Clementine

I'm a terrible singer.  My singing repertoire is likewise terrible.  One of the only songs for which I know both lyrics and melody is "Oh My Darling Clementine."  So when Sasha requested a bedtime song and refused to listen to my only other song ("You Are My Sunshine") because it was "for babies," I offered up the only alternative.  Unfortunately, in the song sweet Clementine dies a horrible drowning death.  What does a concerned parent do?

Make up better lyrics, of course.

Here's my revised version, for use by any grandparents putting Sasha into bed for the night.

In a cavern, in a canyon
excavating for a mine
lived a miner, forty-niner
and his daughter Clementine.

Light she was and like a fairy
and her shoes were number nine,
herring boxes without topses,
sandals were for Clementine.

Drove she ducklings to the water
every morning just at nine,
kicked her shoes off, went a'swimming
with the ducks in foaming brine.

Ruby lips above the water
blowing bubbles sure and fine,
Alas, she was a mighty swimmer
and I lost my Clementine.

Down the river, like an arrow
Past the hills of rock and pine,
She was fated, world awaited,
adventure was for Clementine.