Yikes! I'm behind the commenting times. Yes, readers, the Bub is sick. He had a fever for much of last week. Developing it, of course, upon arriving at Nana and Zayde's house for an overnight stay. Some things seem always to happen there in the Bronx: fevers and binge eating. I can't explain the fevers, but I suspect that he likes to eat more when someone actually cooks good food for him. I'll be the first to admit that one of the bad habits I am passing on to my son is sporadic snacking and rarely actual meals. Poor child will probably grow up to experience hives whenever someone offers him cheese and crackers. I just read on the internets that eating vegetables in front of your children will influence their lifelong intake of veggies, even if they don't begin to eat them themselves until they're older.
But I digress. So Sasha had a low-grade fever for much of last week. We took him to the doctor Thursday when his fever got higher and he started complaining about his stomach hurting. That, and he couldn't breathe from the wheezing and the cough. So the photo in the last post was from me taking him outside where he promptly fell asleep. (The stroller is almost outgrown and only gets used on those rare days when a nap is inevitable.)
After three days of prednisone doses and nebulizer treatments, he's feeling somewhat better, though his cough is still sounds painful and it wakes him up at night. If he starts smoking at any point in his life, I may have to "slap him upside the head" as a psychopath recommended when Sasha dared to walk in front of him yesterday. Anyway, he's feeling well enough to be very excited about Christmas and we have plans to make creme wafer cookies today. Yay!!