Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Activities for Fall

Since my last post (yes it's been a while), I have fallen in and then out of love with Sasha's new-found aggressive curiosity. The first time he emptied the kitchen cabinet, it was cute and allowed me the space to cook. When he emptied the TV armoire, it was cute and allowed me the space to check my email and read the NY Times. I took a long and luxurious shower while he emptied the bathroom vanity of all its contents.

Enough already! He's now emptied the cabinets so many times that he's developed a fierce efficiency. Instead of taking out items one by one, he now grabs a whole shelf and yanks it out, and if it's removable, he'll grab it with both hands and shake shake shake 'til he's sitting in a pile of things. This has happened enough times that I have no idea where to find a ziploc bag or a bandaid or a DVD of The Wire when the need arises. Needless to say, I've lost my ambivalence about installing cupboard locks.

You may notice in the first picture that The Mister has a scab resembling a Hitler mustache-- from flinging himself out of the stroller headfirst because he didn't want to leave the playground. (Who makes a playground surface from sandpaper? Thanks, NY Parks & Rec Dept.)


  1. The pictures look like an earthquake hit your building! I vote for cupboard locks, and he will get curious about something else. How about some big boxes filled with STUFF?! I'm not a Mom, but it might work. Or boxes with holes big enough for him to crawl through. Yes, let's learn "In and Out", not just "OUT!"
    Couldn't see his "mustache" but hope he heals quickly. hugs.

  2. big boxes work great. for a day. i haven't tried a crawl-through size, though. i've also been considering setting up a "tent" in the house, sheets-and-blankets style.

  3. I also vote or cupboard locks! As for sheets/blanket tents, they are definitely fun---but knowing the similarities between Sasha and TayTay, it will probably only kill about 20 minutes of your day. Oy!

  4. But he's so cute! It's hard to be mad, right? He's so busy he doesn't have time to look up at the camera. This stage too will pass. Sooner than you think! How about a paper bag with a bunch of stuff in it that he has to empty and empty and empty. And you'll have to fill up and fill up and fill up. Be sure to put little hard to pick up stuff at the bottom. Like bandaids, raisins, etc.

  5. Oh you poor thing! I also vote for the cupboard locks. It is when watching these toddler years that I'm glad I'm not a Mom. Your stamina amazes me.
