Saturday, September 12, 2009

Swimming Lessons, Day 1

Sasha had his first swimming lesson on Friday. I really wanted to get a picture of him in his suit and cap, but it was too chaotic for it. Maybe once Mommy has the logistics figured out, the camera can get out of the bag.

Last week, I had the privilege of watching Taylor at her own swim lesson and it was a wonderful, kid-oriented affair. Comparing that to my own experience here at the Y, I wish he was taking lessons at the Lodi Country Day school. Where TayTay was one of 3 kids in a small, quiet section of the pool, Sasha and I were among the hoards of babies and parents crammed into half of the (cold) pool. The teacher had to shout at the top of her lungs to announce the next activity and still I had to read her lips. It was deafening. Sasha, naturally, didn't seem to mind.

For 30 minutes, he chased floating disks, got splashed, dived off the side of the pool, and did the back float. The latter was not so much a back float as me holding his head back while he struggled against it and resisted so hard that his legs were out of the water, toes pointed directly at the ceiling. A Pilates instructor would be proud. By the end of class, Little Mister was ready to get out and get warm and relax a little bit.

Here's an after-workout picture:

Notice the fistful of Cheerios. Thanks, Grandma Z, for creating the monster.


  1. Love the pic of the wrinkly nose! And as for those cheerios, what are grandma's for besides food, just wait till he gets used to my chocolate chip cookies! Taylor just expects one whenever she's at my house. Wow, those swimming lessons sound crazy!! Good thing Sasha's so laid back. He's such a good baby and I love him to pieces. Can't wait till I can see him every week. Someday...

  2. That after-workout pic is soooo cute!! I love that he's always just kickin' it--as long as there is food within his reach :)
    I miss him so much already!! (8 weeks and counting!) Maybe I can get some good swimming lessons pics when I'm there!
    The lessons sound a little crazy, but as long as he's happy.....

  3. The velour workout suit is perfect. The legs straight up in the air during the back float is too funny. Imagine trying to do that yourself!
