Monday, October 11, 2010

Morning Improvisations

Video captured by Mama this morning on her cell phone.


  1. Yes, I'm a lunatic and check Taylor's and your blog every day--sometimes twice a day! This is absolutely precious. Good job holding the cell phone so still, Mama! He's a great little singer.

  2. In order to hear my darlingist nephew sing his songs I unplugged my speakers from one appliance and fought to plug them into another and it was SOOOO worth it. He's a born showman. He even knew when to look at the camera and he isn't he? His speech for a not yet two year old is amazing and he has an unusually good singing voice for a little guy. My brain just went dead, but he has (not thinking of rhythm.....tone?) whatever it is that makes singing enjoyable to listen to. I so wish I could hug him and play with him and teach him the Czech nursery song Grandma used to sing. I sang it for a Czech doctor and he translated it back perfectly. Guess my swearing and singing are really good in Czech. If you're every interested I can try to phonetically write it for you, though taping it would be lots better as you'd get all those throat and gutturalsounds. Call sometime and maybe we can tape eit. It isn't long. It says "Ho Ho the cows are coming carrying their milk over the water." The Dr sneered, but Mom tol mme she could always see some woman out with her baby watching the cows. There are a couple of stanzas, but I only remember the firt one. Darn.

    Love you all,

    PS: Would love to meet Nadya's parents and family sometime. I mean we're all 'related' now, right?

  3. What a singer!! It was so cute watching his little hands too. He was tapping his fingers together like he was bored or nervous or something. Too cute. I love how he busted out itsy bits spider instead of wheels on the bus! I was just wishing today that I could see Sasha again and the video gave me my fix.

  4. I noticed Sasha tapping his fingers together also--or rubbing them together. Decided it was helping him concentrate!!
    And yes, funny about how he chose Itsy Bitsy spider first. I don't know the words to Wheels on the Bus--or didn't. ;-) Where does that song come from? Sesame Street?

  5. Bravo, bravo! Encore! I was just reading about a Ting Ting's song ("Impacilla Carpisung") that doesn't actually have real lyrics even though it kind of seems like it. That's what this reminded me of. Little cutie pie.

  6. Totally made my day!!!!! SO cute! There is no sweeter sound than a toddler's singing voice :) And I love how towards the end of the Wheels on the Bus, he rapidly ran through the words to get closer to the end. Cutie pie!!!
