Wednesday, November 3, 2010

P is for Pood

Some of my daily chuckles:

One, two, tree, poor, pive, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, fourteen, nineteen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty!

Listen music on Peter! peter = computer.

Pupu pider = purple spider.

Daya, all PINished. = There, all finished. He's always very emphatic on that first syllable.

No pit daya. = Doesn't fit there (referring to puzzle pieces).

T-Rex cooking pood. Cooking apples. Panda eat pood. Eat bamboos.

Mamu hurt neck. It bleeded. Mama hurt pinger. It bleeded. (These after I zipped his neck into his jacket and after Nerdy cut his fingernail too short. Poor injured baby.)

Too hebby! Too big. And too hebby.


  1. First I have to say I HATE my DSL service: AT&T. I was ready to post my comment here and guess what, down again. MF. Figure that one out yourselves. I HAVE got to switch to Cox Cable. Much more reliable. That aside: OMG! LOL! Wisco, this P is for Pood blog is just what the doctor ordered. You really have his language down! The "no pit daya" though is making me think this sweet boy is picking up a Brooklyn accent!! And heavens to Betsy--Mama cut my neck, Mamu cut my pinger. I bleeded! Wah!! And what was "too hebby" for him? God, I love all three of you kids! Hugs! Alo. Good night. Sweet dreams, and really, don't let the bed bugs bite--hope you aren't infested!!!

  2. My own experience with cable vs. DSL internet is that cable is way better. Switch!

    So many things are too hebby: rocks, grocery bags, pumpkins, even Big Monkey was recently banished from the crib for being too big and too hebby (though only temporarily, of course).

  3. I must have been tired when I wrote my comment last night--I did not want to write "God, ..." but "Goddess, ... " and even though two of the three of you are not officially kids it just fit at the time. You two are amazing as Mama and Mamu. I can't imagine rearing a child for the first time. The Heavens to Betsy comment was in jest--although Sasha's "I bleeded" comment did tear at my heartstrings. ;-)

  4. Our comments crossed in the ether--as mine popped up so did yours! one minute apart. yowza. Big Monkey is even too hebby and too big! Does he have a Little Monkey? Have a great day!! (You know that is so cliche, but I mean it! For no other reason perhaps than you don't have a Republican governor coming in nor do we!! The lesser of two evils.)

  5. I absolutely love this entry. They are so precious. He's got quite a vocabulary for being "almost" two. Yowza! You've got a smarty on your hands and totally adorable!!

  6. These totally crack me up!!! I'm so glad you are writing these down so you'll always remember :)
