Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dearly Beloved

A very sad day at the Greenwood Playground. The Red Car, beloved by Sasha and many others, lost a wheel. Now the hordes of Brooklyn children who vie for a few minutes with the playground's most precious resource will have to make do with other toys. I'm not sure there's anything else there of interest to Sasha. We tried to keep it out of his line of sight, but eventually his eagle eyes saw it and he cried when we wouldn't take it out of the trash to let him push it around again. (Nerdy admonished me for taking pictures of his pain.)

Goodbye, Red Car. We will remember your bright shiny colors on dreary days, and we honor your service to the public. Countless children are steadier on their feet because of you.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sasha Turns One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Sasha Sky!

The Bub started his birthday celebration last night with his grandparents from da Bronx. Nana and Zayde brought a present for the little guy and food and champagne for the rest of us. He seemed bewildered by the birthday song and cupcake, but I'm sure he felt the love. This morning, he got birthday wishes via a Skype call with Aunt Margot and a Youtube video from Aunt Carrie and Taylor. A card in the mail from Aunt Maureen. Then Aunt Mollie called to sing him the birthday song. Later, packages full of toys were delivered from Aunt Wendy, Grandma and Grandpa Z, and Grandma and Grandpa J. And then, before bed was another Skype call with a birthday song from Aunt Alice and Maya.

Nerdy and I have been reminiscing about where we were and what we were doing one year ago today. Hard to believe how much has changed in that short time. We've also been reflecting on how important family is and how much we rely on the people around us who love us. That has never been more true than in this past year. It's been quite a roller coaster and we wouldn't have gotten here without the love and support of all of you. So thank you.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Adoption Home Visit

This weekend we had a social worker come to visit us in our home to evaluate our fitness as parents. She stayed for about 2 hours, asking us VERY detailed questions about us, our lives, our families, our relationships, our finances. I think it went well and Sasha did his best to charm her, smiling and talking and playing coy when he "accidentally" went near her. He was trying to steal her pen and paper by the end of the visit, so I guess he thought she was all right. We'll get her full report in early December which will be the last paperwork needed by the adoption court. Then we will be scheduled for a final hearing where I get to dress him up in his sartorial finest. Oh, and officially become his Mom.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Visit from Aunt Carrie

The Amazing Aunt Carrie visited this weekend, bringing with her a bag of tricks for Sasha. She arrived in the evening, so he didn't meet her until the following morning. We were expecting him to be surprised to see her and a little wary, but nope, he saw her and gave her a big grin as if to say, "Hey I know you and I remember that you're pretty fun, too." So he climbed right up on her lap and she started playing hide-and-seek with a little cow she brought for him-- a game that never got old even after they played it all weekend.

We visited the Coney Island Aquarium, saw some fish and sharks and jellyfish, and ate an ungodly amount of grapes on the way home. Even Taylor got to enjoy a piece of the aquarium in the form of a stuffed penguin and some temporary tattoos with a sea life theme. She has a new obsession with penguins thanks in part to repeat viewings of "Happy Feet." When it's over she asks for "Mo...? Dancing...? Penguins....?"

Carrie also showered Sasha with gifts for his birthday: a warm hat (pictured below), a bouncy ball, and an excellent set of blocks. And a mostly empty bottle of water which he is playing with as I write this. The downstairs neighbor surely hates the blocks already-- Sasha loves to unstack the pile by slamming each block into the floor and halfway across the living room.

But the biggest news of all is that Carrie is so exciting she apparently warrants HIS FIRST STEPS. That's right, while we all were watching him play, he walked right to her! Yay!!!!! See the video clip below for more (filmed by Carrie).

Then he was too excited and couldn't do it again:

Friday, November 6, 2009

Sasha at the Playground

Well I'm pretty sure walking is just around the corner. Check out this video of the busy guy at the playground, pushing his favorite toy and being distracted from it by an empty box of raisins.

Sunday, November 1, 2009