Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dearly Beloved

A very sad day at the Greenwood Playground. The Red Car, beloved by Sasha and many others, lost a wheel. Now the hordes of Brooklyn children who vie for a few minutes with the playground's most precious resource will have to make do with other toys. I'm not sure there's anything else there of interest to Sasha. We tried to keep it out of his line of sight, but eventually his eagle eyes saw it and he cried when we wouldn't take it out of the trash to let him push it around again. (Nerdy admonished me for taking pictures of his pain.)

Goodbye, Red Car. We will remember your bright shiny colors on dreary days, and we honor your service to the public. Countless children are steadier on their feet because of you.


  1. Poor little red car. Does the park provide the toys or do people just leave them there? Maybe someone will replace it.

  2. I think the toys are provided by Friends of Greenwood Playground. There's always a number of toys at the playground (tagged with "Property of Greenwood Playground") and they get replaced when they break. So we figure the community group either buys them or organizes donations.

  3. I will take a moment of silence here in honor of Red Car....I personally witnessed the love in the eyes of many babes as the car was pushed around :)

  4. What fabulous color in the background of the pic with Red Car nose first in the trash can. And it's so nice to see that Sasha gets to play in piles of leaves in NY. I know Nadya thinks we're all silly for thinking that he wouldn't experience nature in NY, but what can I say? It's not the country!

  5. Has the red car been replaced? Maybe we can take up a collection and buy one for Bub and when he outgrows it you can donate it to the park. Anyone?

  6. Mollie, I had the same thought. I actually braved Toys R Us yesterday (I will never go there again) and hunted down another red car. They had only one, and it was pink, and it was outrageously expensive in my cheapskate opinion. But now the Bub is the proud new owner of a Pink Car. Using it in our apt seems a little like trying to enjoy a Cadillac on a go-cart course, but he is already having a good time with it.

  7. Toys R Us, Babies R Us, Ikea--all scary places. That is SO cool that the Bub has a pink "cadillac." Lucky little fella. Vrooooom!
    Honk honk. Screeeeeeech. Yowza! What fun! Look out, Moms, here I come & I don't have a driver's license yet!

  8. For some reason I keep coming back to this red car. Nothing was wrong with it, except that it didn't have one of its wheels. I'm sure that could have been fixed by someone. What a waste. Yes, I pine for the "good ol' days" when people got things repaired instead of trashing them.

  9. I agree, the waste is shameful. The problem with plastic is that's it's designed to be disposable. You can't fix plastic without melting and re-molding it.

  10. ha, ha, ha. That (the picture, the words)is so funny (but sad). That's great that you went out and got him another one, all his own. Even though it was overpriced, it sounds (from our phone conversation) like he's getting plenty of satisfaction out of it. I still laugh picturing him content driving around in the apartment.
