Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Resisting Arrest

There's a new game in town and I'm losing. As anyone who has tried to put the Bub in a stroller knows, he is fiercely strong and it takes a lot of effort to wrestle him in and buckle him down. But he always loses eventually because he's still the little guy. So he has a new strategy: go totally limp and How You Like Me Now, Sucka? Try putting on clothes or shoes or picking him up or putting him in the bath-- forget it. Totally impossible to maneuver a 23-pound slippery sack of potatoes.


  1. Ewwww, he's on to you two. His brain cells are multiplying faster than the speed of light! tee hee.

  2. Wow, he is a very strategic little sucker!! Can't wait to hear the stories when he's two or three--yikes!!!

  3. I have recently experienced the attempt to put the Bub in his stroller. Mind you I was already dressed for the outside so as to make a quick getaway when he was secured. So now the sweat is is pouring and my back is seizing up but finally I win!!! And as we lock up he looks up at me and grins as if to say hurry up, don't you want to go out?

  4. Your story made me giggle, Lynn!

  5. What a smarty pants! How is it possible their brains are so smart only 12 months after being a virtual vegetable? Babies are truly a miracle and also truly a lot of work!!
    PS love the true story Lynn

  6. Lynn you're cracking me up; I can totally visualize the scene. I do the same thing with getting myself all booted and jacketed and only then start getting the Bub ready. Twice now that strategy has resulted in me getting undressed 15 minutes later because we're not going anywhere after all.

    And Carrie, thanks for the "Sucka" line-- it's a good one and I had to use it here because it's perfect.

  7. Oh man. I would do the same thing of getting myself ready first. Now I see the trouble with that strategy. That must be great fun for the Bub though!
