Saturday, January 2, 2010

White Christmas, Baraboo

Our visit to Wisconsin for Christmas was a good time. Sasha and Taylor got along famously (well, mostly). They had fun sledding together, giving each other hugs and kisses, and sharing food.

Here's little stinker #1 pretending to be a baby by sitting in a high chair and wearing a bib. She thought it was hilarious. The pink cup in the foreground was quickly adopted by Sasha because it produces the best water and juice he has ever tasted. On the last day of our visit, she saw it and declared, "Sasha's!"

Here is TayTay teaching Sasha how to eat ketchup off your finger without having to eat any actual food.

A rare moment of peacefully sharing a toy.

Showing off a gift from Aunt Wendy, a sweet pair of snowpants.

Talking to Grandpa J. on the phone.

Grandma Z. being directed to the playground by Taylor who had enough of sledding.

Happy New Year to Everyone!!!


  1. What a wonderful posting. I almost felt I was there, I really felt the snow!! Happy New Year to all.

  2. You got some cute pics!! We all miss you guys already :(
