Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The Bub and I met Mama at the Dashing Diva nail salon after work. There's a playground across the street, of course, and we spent so much time there we decided to have pizza slices for dinner. Why was the playground so much fun? Because there's a gate.

Sasha made a frienemy in another boy almost exactly his age who also wanted to open and close the entrance gate 300 times in a row. The parents hovered, encouraging them both to "Share the gate! It's good to share!" They came close to a shoving match a couple of times but generally impressed me by not freaking out on each other and successfully taking turns, one opening the gate, the other closing it.

Then we went for pizza. We took off his shirt to protect his clothing if you're wondering why he looks naked in the picture. Bibs cramp his style. Nerdy taught him the word for it, "Pizza," and every time he took a bite he announced, "Teetza." Chomp.

P.S. from Nerdy: for those native NYers reading this blog, I apologize for the flat piece of pizza being offered to the Bub but it was much easier for him to bite into than the traditional (and far superior) folded slice.


  1. Too cute! So goes the No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service rule!! ;-) He looks like he's totally enjoying his teetza (is there a story behind that word?) alo to you all!!

  2. Um, yes, teetza is babytalk for pizza. I edited the post to make that a little clearer.

  3. Awwwwww, he's so cute! Looks like he really loves teetza. I love the way you two solved the dirty shirt problem. Just take it off! Good thnking! love mom

  4. I wanna be a Mom!! I know it's not all fun--so maybe I want to be a grandma--well, no, a Mom with a partner who balances me out! I can dream--don't worry; I won't get pg in this lifetime!

  5. Don't worry, we'll teach him the correct way to eat "teetza" at Tosca's!

  6. Little does he realize (or maybe he does) that he's just experienced one of the best things life has to offer. :)
