Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Finally! I have a name, my very own name. For months, Sasha has referred to me and Nerdy (and occasionally other random adult women) as "Mama." But now he's started to verbally distinguish us. That's right, call me Mahmoo. I love it! Nothing makes me smile faster than hearing him yell from the other room, "MAAHMOOOOH!! MAAAAAHMOOOOOO!!!!


  1. Wisco, I'm so happy to hear this!! Mahmoo--he loves his Mahmoo!!! Brings a smile to my face too. And look at him--getting bigger and his hair is growing back. Alo to all of you.

  2. and cuter!! He's just the essence of cuteness in this photo.

  3. What an absolutely cute picture! And Mollie's right, his hair is growing back so much! Wow! I love the Mahmoo. Maybe if you get really heavy in your later years, we can call you Shamoo Mahmoo! Couldn't resist! Love you!

  4. Okay, I have to keep amending my comments. When I said the Bub was getting cuter, how can that be? He's been cute since Day One!! He's little boy cute--how's that? My screensaver rotates through all the pictures I have and ever once in awhile I'll come back to my computer & there's a tiny little baby in Wisco's arms. Hard to believe it's only been 17 months.

  5. Or Shamoo Mahmooh because he has you so well trained!! Jump through this hoop, Shamoo Mahmooh, says the 15-year old Bub. ;-) Hope the teasing is okay. I'm just thrilled that you have your very own "Mom" name. And what is Nerdy's name?

  6. Shamoo Mamooh here. 17 months is both a really long time and a really short time. When he was first born, people would say, "Oh they grow up so fast!" And I was like, "Really? Because it's been months and he can't even sit up yet!" But now I'm starting to get it-- I don't even remember him being so tiny except I see the pictures and of course he was. Hard to remember there was even a time when I could put him down and he stayed where I put him. And now he's racing into traffic the second my attention falters.

  7. I heard it myself this weekend. Mamooh at the top of his lungs and sometimes with a long drawn out ooooooo attached. The next best was his crawling into a neighbor's garden to pet and kiss their cast iron cat! So lovable to nature, a marine biologist maybe? We need him to fix the oil spill now. And he would if he could I bet.

  8. That is such an adorable story of the Bub petting and kissing the neighbor's cast iron cat. A nature lover--maybe he'll be another Henry David Thoreau. Oy, the oil spill. If only it were a spill, but the pipe is leaking in a lot of places and they say it could take months to plug the oil tap or whatever it's called. Such a sadness for nature, speaking of, . . .

  9. Sasha is just a little cutiepants.

    How fun to have your very own name!

    Oh, the cast iron cat- ha, I love it. Maybe I will have to get my very own "farm", with a bunch of feral cats, sooner rather than later just so Sasha can come and visit them.

  10. Maybe if you're bored you and Bub can go and socialize with the cats at the shelter.
