Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Day at The Beach and The Weather is Giving Me Whiplash

WTF, it's snowing?!  I know my peeps in Wisconsin had snow a week ago or so, but OK, it's Wisconsin, I expect that.  We live in New York!  It's supposed to be warmer here.  Snow a week before April is an outrage.  Just last week, in fact, we were hanging out at the beach.  Unseasonably warm, perhaps, but still...  We went with Nana and Zayde to Orchard Beach and found rows of freshly dumped (and clean!) sand to play in.  And it was lovely to be barefoot for a little while.


And today I had to brush snow from the car's windshield.  In the last 6 hours, in fact, we have experienced snow, rain, sleet, and hail.


  1. be barefoot and outside again! Lucky you! We were teased with a couple of days of melting snow, sunshine, and bike riding, and now we have gusting winds, snow, and cold-ass weather again. Boo. Love the pics, as always!!!

  2. I was thinking the same as Carrie--to be barefoot and outside again. But need to add, to be a kid again!! Nice the Bub got a reprieve from the layers of clothing he's been wearing all winter. Why is winter hanging on??!

  3. What a darling new profile photo!! Such a handsome little boy! xx

  4. Ditto Carrie. The weather teased us here for a whole 2 days and then it was back to deep winter. At least we didn't get the 17" that Northern WI got! Thanks for posting pics from the beach trip with the grandparents. Gives something to look forward to.
