Sunday, March 27, 2011

Everyone's First Hike Should Be On Staten Island

When we woke up today, Nerdy suggested we go for a hike.  We decided to try a hike on Staten Island at a preserve formerly occupied by clay pit mines.  In my life before parenthood, I would have scoffed at this as a true hike.  A one mile loop on easy terrain? But what a perfect and exhilarating hike for a two-year-old!  

We had to hold him back.  Literally.  We got out of the car and while Nerdy checked for a bathroom, Sasha was off and running into the woods, off the path, on the wrong side of a fence along a very steep gully.  After rescuing him from near disaster, we tried to show him the path and “that’s what you walk on” but he didn’t quite get it.  He just wanted to wander wherever whim took him-- into brambles, into muddy rivers, whatever.  Then we struck gold with trail markers.  When we explained that you look for the yellow stickers on the trees and follow those, he immediately understood that the point of a nature walk is to run from one sticker to the next.  He was so proud to be the leader, finding each one and telling us where to go. 

A wonderful time was had by all.

Pointing out the yellow sticker.


  1. What a wonderful experience for all! And the duck hat makes the day in my opinion!

  2. Great photos of your family having a good time--
    And looks like a beautiful hike and a safe one, thanks to your superb leader! Quack quack! (I do love the Bub's running free--w/out the danger involved--,to go where his spirit led him--off the path, into the woods! Children need to be in nature, don't they? Guess we do too.)

  3. What a fabulous time. Can't wait until it's warm enough here to go for a hike. Love to see children (& adults) appreciating and enjoying nature.

  4. Forgot to mention...been noticing the changing picture in the top left of the home page. Nice. The current one is very New York-y. :)

  5. Looks like it was a wonderful day for a hike. I love that Sasha wanted to run all over; that he wasn't afraid to go off path. He's a brave little one. Kind of like not being afraid to color "outside the lines." The duck hat is too cute too! And I too like the new picture at the top left. He looks so grown up. Love you all!
