Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Imagination Library

Is it possible to not love Dolly Parton?

No.  The more you know about her, the more amazing she is. Yesterday, Sasha got his first piece of mail from her: The Little Engine That Could. That's right, she sent him a book. And she will send him more-- lots more.

But why, you might ask.  Let me help spread the word about Dolly Parton's Imagination Library.  She started a program in Tennessee that has spread to hundreds of communities in three countries to encourage children to read.  It works like this: the Library will send every kid, free of charge, one book a month for the first five years of their life. They cover the cost of the books and ask that participating communities cover the cost of distribution.  New York City is sponsoring it here, so I signed Sasha up last month. And he got his first book yesterday.

I remember reading this book as a child and the pictures look familiar even though I haven't seen it in decades.  And Nana said that she remembers reading the book as a child, too.  Three generations and going strong.  Cool!


  1. What a great idea! So Dolly Parton started the program and now the library gives the book and the community pays for the distribution? And one book a month till S turns five? Wow! That's great! Enjoy your reading time with him, it goes so fast!

  2. This is so great! Her heart is big!! I wonder if SD has this program. I'll look into it. Some of our Teaching Assistants have young children--and they don't have a lot of money. Alo!

  3. Oh Dolly. She really is great. Cool program.

  4. Omg, I can't believe there's actually ANOTHER reason to love Dolly!! I am so impressed with this program, I've been inspired to email the Middleton mayor to see if Middleton would get on board. My next email will be to Mayor Soglin---Madison probably has a better chance at sponsoring something like this :)
