Friday, August 26, 2011

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...


  1. What a perfect in-the-air shot of Sasha-Man!! Or is that the Bub-Man? Stay safe during the storm all of you. Sasha-Man will help protect you. :-) xxx

  2. Given the weather predictions for NYC, it's good thing he can leap tall buildings in a single bound! Great shot!

  3. I thought they should submit that photo to a contest. Like you said, Lynn, great shot! Of a great kid, who is growing up way too fast.

  4. Great shot I agree! Looks like he's just on take off! What's the story on the superman cape? Purchased, home made, or is it something else "masquerading" as a cape? Stay safe tonight with the hurricane coming! Love you all.

  5. Superman, Sasha-man, Iron Man Guy, Thor... I dare not assume which alter ego he is at any given moment. I carefully ask the superbeing in front of me before addressing him. Otherwise he'll be annoyed by my failure to follow the script.

    The cape is a professionally chopped up old t-shirt of mine. Which is cute. But even cuter: Sasha met another hacked-up t-shirt superhero at the playground. They eyed each other warily before establishing their identities. Superman and Super (stripey) Dinosaur Man were kindred souls.

  6. This picture is so great. Mid-takeoff. That is ridiculous there were TWO superheroes on the playground. Hehe! Super Dinosaur Man? I didn't realize that Iron Man went by Iron Man Guy.
