Sunday, November 18, 2012

Superheroes Go Camping


  1. Quite the camping site--airplane and all!What do superheroes eat at the campsite, Bub?

  2. When you have enough vehicles, you don't need any food. But they did bring their treasure chest of money. Priorities!

  3. I'm sure this motley crew will have to camping with us next year? Oh, don't tell Sasha I called his heroes a motley crew!! And I love taking money but skip the food! What a concept!

  4. So, no food, but enough vehicles & money! They just fly to the nearest cafe for a good breakfast even if that nearest cafe is 2000 miles away? I get it. Or geez, they're superheroes. They just fly themselves--who needs a plane?

    Ha, Monica. Motley crew. Love it.
