Friday, November 23, 2012

The Next Disaster

During Hurricane Sandy, Sasha and I were out of town and only knew the storm through news reports on the "Frankenstorm," so-named because it would hit on Halloween.  But he's ready the next one.

From our conversation on the way home from our family trip to the library:

Sasha:  I felt a drop of rain!

Mama:  Oh yeah?  I don't see any clouds.

Sasha:  I felt it right here (reaching underneath his jacket and pointing to his rib).

Mamu:  Hmm, let's check the forecast.

Sasha:  I'll do it!  Can I have your phone?

Mamu:  Sure, here.

Sasha:  [Checks forecast.]  Look!  Thunderstorms!  Maybe it's going to be another Frankenstorm.

Mama:  No, honey, I don't think there's going to be another one of those.

Sasha:  Oh. [Brief pause] Oh, it's a Chickenstorm!  For Thanksgiving!


  1. He's so funny and cute! I love the rain drop on his rib under his clothes! He's so creative thinking of a new name for a storm that's near the Thanksgiving holiday. I told you he's going to be in color commentary on TV although i was thinking in sports but maybe weather too?? LOL

  2. This is great! Hope this isn't some fear of big storms, or does he wish he'd been around for it? I was scared of tornadoes as a kid--I was the first one in the basement even if nobody else ever came down to join me! Yeah, PTSD from seeing serious tornado damage up in Fargo, ND, where a great aunt lived. Oh, and a bad scare when we were at the "Pink" cabins in Merrimac. Chickenstorm sounds much more mild than a Frannkenstorm. You don't think he'll be a stand-up comic, Mon? And then morph into a Stephen Colbert!

  3. Oh, Sandy, he must be so fun to be with. It just makes me smile and smile and smile when I read your stories. Sasha sounds like a child who could cheer up the unhappiest person in the world.
