Monday, February 4, 2013

Air Baguette

Sometimes grocery shopping with a 4 year old can be a fun experience.  Usually not, but sometimes.  This weekend we went suburban grocery shopping (complete with parking lot!) and we were entertained by our Little Hammy.  King Coffee Bean greeted me among the sacks of coffee beans and offered to get some coffee for me.  Sure, I said, as the real coffee guy ground my French Roast.  The king demanded that I address him properly.  Okay, King Coffee Bean, what kind of beans do you have?  He then gave me a tour of the beans of the world, including the popular blends mint chocolate chip, coconut, cocoa 215, forty-one forty-nine, black, dark brown, and blueberry muffin.  I ordered a pound.  Then he led me to the left-hand side of his kingdom, ducked down behind a burlap sack, and emerged as the Service Master.  I didn't understand and addressed him as "King."  I AM NOT THE KING.  I AM THE SERVICE MASTER.  Now, here is your coffee.

After we checked out, we naturally put all our bags in the cart to take it to the car.  Little Hammy offered to carry the baguette.  It annoys me to no end that Fairway insists on putting 2 feet of baguette into 10 inches of plastic bag, but they always do it.  Immediately he started playing air guitar like a rock legend.  All the way out the store and down the sidewalk.  Thoroughly entertaining, especially since we have no idea where he learned his moves.  I caught the last little bit on video, but unfortunately missed the bulk of the performance.  For your viewing pleasure:

Later in the evening after we got home, our neighbor saw us in the hallway and gave Sasha a little Diego doll. He was thrilled and started dancing Diego all around our apartment. I thought I'd join in and grabbed Dolly Doll to dance, too. He stopped short, rolled his eyes, and said, "Mamu, there's no Dolly Doll in this part. It's the opening credits."


  1. I am amazed at his imagination! I miss him so much when I see his 4 yr old silliness. I can't wait to see him again! And really, what 4 yr old knows the vocabulary of "opening credits?" Thank you for the video, it makes me fee closer:)

  2. I wrote a comment last night, but my computer decided to freeze on me before I could send it. So what I said was: Little Hammy, King Coffee Bean, The Service Master oh my! And I love the air guitar with the baguette! In the video some woman has stopped to look at his performance! What a hoot this kid is. And yeah, "opening credits" in a 4-year old's vocabulary? Yowza. What is a Diego doll? I do think he should let you join in sometimes. Mamu likes to play! ;-)

  3. Clearly, a 4-year-old that watches too much TV.

    That woman who is standing there is Nerdy! The one in the brown coat? Don't blink, that's her. He did have other, more fleeting, fans.

  4. Ha ha. After I sent that message about the woman looking at his performance, I wondered if it was Nerdy! And what is a Diego doll?

  5. Diego. That would be Dora the Explorer's cousin. He is an "animal rescuer" and much to Sasha's delight, he has all kinds of gadgets to help with his rescues.

  6. I also wanted to comment on how fabulous I felt that you just laughed when he dropped his "guitar." Thank you for breaking the mold!!!
