Saturday, February 9, 2013

American Horror Story

The little man and I went shopping for a sled in preparation for last night's snowstorm.  Afterward, we had a nice post-sled-purchasing lunch at the donut shop.  He was sitting there chomping away on his bagel, seemingly happy and content.  He looked at me and said, out of the blue, "Remember when you told me that when you went to the bookstore you didn't get the Brothers Gim book of fairy tales and got the other one instead?"

"The Brothers Grimm? Yes."  [I cannot believe he remembers this.]

"Why didn't you like the the Brothers Grimm?"

"Well, they tell stories that are very violent and have really mean people in them."

       ... I know one Brothers Jim story called Blah Blah Blah."

"Really?  What happens in Blah Blah Blah?"

"I don't really want to tell you because it's really violent."

"Can you tell me anyway?"

"Well, I can't really remember.... oh, let me call Annabelle and ask her."  [Pretend dials.]  "Hi, Annabelle?  Can you remind me what happens in Blah Blah Blah story?"  [Pretend listens.]  "So a guy who sells guns decided he wants to use one.  So he goes to school with a gun and shoots the kids.  Then he shoots coffee.  Then shoots kids, then coffee, then kids."

"What happens when he shoots the coffee?"

[Laughing] "It turns green and icy.  Then the mamas come to school and see blood all over the chairs.  But then Martin Luther King Jr.'s dad comes and sprinkles water on them, and fixes them. Then everything is better!  So the ending is good."

"Wow.  That is definitely violent and scary." [WTF?!  What do I do or say?  Anything?]


  1. OMG! That is a horror story. With a child that age I don't know where you begin. Maybe you don't say anything. Could be he's working things out. I'm assuming he heard about the Sandy Hook school shooting? But then MLK Jr's dad makes it better. Wow. I'm stunned. Maybe check in with other Moms just to see if their kids have told stories like that too. Maybe not bringing it up at all with him unless he brings it up. Good luck, Mamu and Mama. Not that anything is wrong with the Bub, but how to handle his amazing creativity!

  2. Wow, that's incredible for a little guy who isn't raised in front of the tv. I mean, you and Nadya don't even watch the news in front of him. I like what Mollie has to say: he could be working things out. I think more than anything it's his "amazing creativity" as mentioned above. But "blood on the chairs" is almost scary. How does his imagination think of that? I'm so happy he made a good ending. That's encouraging. What to do? Probably nothing. I don't think it requires any "doing." Just be the loving parents you are.

  3. I neglected to mention in my original post that I, yes I, mentioned the Sandy Hook shooting to him on the day it happened. So as far as I know, he didn't overhear anything about it otherwise. This makes some readers feel better? It makes me feel worse. The event didn't seem to bother him at the time, but clearly it stuck in his mind like glue.

  4. What an amazing little boy. Agree with Mollie also. Heard an interesting story on NPR yesterday. The interviewee was talking about violence and children. Someone wrote in and said that her children and the neighborhood children were never given guns or anything resembling guns, knives, etc to play with. (also tv restricted) One day Mom finds her daughters playing 'guns' by shooting using the crucifix they had taken off the wall!!! Go figure. Children hear so much more than we realize. You are so amazing about asking Sasha questions Wisco. You let him tell his story so freely. I love that he had to call Annabelle first;-)) as if he couldn't remember the story. Can't wait to meet him and be entertained by his fascinating mind.

  5. What an amazing little boy. Agree with Mollie also. Heard an interesting story on NPR yesterday. The interviewee was talking about violence and children. Someone wrote in and said that her children and the neighborhood children were never given guns or anything resembling guns, knives, etc to play with. (also tv restricted) One day Mom finds her daughters playing 'guns' by shooting using the crucifix they had taken off the wall!!! Go figure. Children hear so much more than we realize. You are so amazing about asking Sasha questions Wisco. You let him tell his story so freely. I love that he had to call Annabelle first;-)) as if he couldn't remember the story. Can't wait to meet him and be entertained by his fascinating mind.
