Monday, November 16, 2009

Adoption Home Visit

This weekend we had a social worker come to visit us in our home to evaluate our fitness as parents. She stayed for about 2 hours, asking us VERY detailed questions about us, our lives, our families, our relationships, our finances. I think it went well and Sasha did his best to charm her, smiling and talking and playing coy when he "accidentally" went near her. He was trying to steal her pen and paper by the end of the visit, so I guess he thought she was all right. We'll get her full report in early December which will be the last paperwork needed by the adoption court. Then we will be scheduled for a final hearing where I get to dress him up in his sartorial finest. Oh, and officially become his Mom.


  1. I totally forgot to ask you about that on the phone this morning---and it was even on my list of things to talk to you about! Anywho, glad to hear it went well and I can't wait to hear when the big day is!!

  2. Jeez, that's so invasive and such a huge waste of time and money, cosidering that you're ALREADY the parents.
    It makes me think of the (Jim Crow?) times when "...states passed new constitutions or amendments that effectively disfranchised most blacks and tens of thousands of poor whites through a combination of poll taxes, literacy and comprehension tests, and residency and record-keeping requirements."
    I wonder, do family members who become parents of nieces, nephews, etc due to fatal car accidents/murders of the parents have to go through this process as well? Or is it different if you're named in a will or whatever? (No, I didn't have anything in mind).
    You know, there's a part of me that would kind of like to have one of these visits too, and then set the stage for total craziness. Knives, outlets, sharp furniture, poisons, frayed wires, etc, etc just to see what would happen. Hee, hee- my idea of fun.
    Well, it'll be nice to get your guys' report before XMas- be sure to celebrate!

    (I win for longest comment ever.)

  3. Wendy, I love your idea of staging a madhouse when the "approvers" showed up. What also comes to my mind is how many biological parents there are out there who have no business having and rearing children. Makes me shudder. THEY should be put through the wringer too!! But, yes, I too await the happy news that you have officially adopted Sasha Sky and all is legal and all is well. Hang in there y'all!

  4. Yes, Wendy, you win!! So far, anyway. And to answer your question, yes I think all adoptions have to go through the same process.
