Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sasha Turns One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Sasha Sky!

The Bub started his birthday celebration last night with his grandparents from da Bronx. Nana and Zayde brought a present for the little guy and food and champagne for the rest of us. He seemed bewildered by the birthday song and cupcake, but I'm sure he felt the love. This morning, he got birthday wishes via a Skype call with Aunt Margot and a Youtube video from Aunt Carrie and Taylor. A card in the mail from Aunt Maureen. Then Aunt Mollie called to sing him the birthday song. Later, packages full of toys were delivered from Aunt Wendy, Grandma and Grandpa Z, and Grandma and Grandpa J. And then, before bed was another Skype call with a birthday song from Aunt Alice and Maya.

Nerdy and I have been reminiscing about where we were and what we were doing one year ago today. Hard to believe how much has changed in that short time. We've also been reflecting on how important family is and how much we rely on the people around us who love us. That has never been more true than in this past year. It's been quite a roller coaster and we wouldn't have gotten here without the love and support of all of you. So thank you.


  1. Love his striped shirt and his intense look at everything :)

  2. Yay Sasha! Happy Birthday!
    Yes, family is important, like it and not. :)
    I've also realized that more in the last year (a part of aging?). Going to nursing school now, I'm also incredibly grateful for good health for my entire family, including little Sashapants.

  3. Oh yeah, I must explain that the cheesy toy of plastic fruits in a basket were intended for the in, out game. Is that what he has in his hands?

  4. Little Sasha boy really does have intense facial expressions in all the pics except the first! He's very into what he's doing. Start checking the mailbox early next week. The b-day celebration isn't over. Love to you all.

  5. I thought I commented on this one. Sorry! I love the naked pic of him by the bed, he looks so HAPPY! The white cupcake is Sasha's? He just ate the frosting and wanted to play? Wish I could have been there. Maybe next year?
