Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Visit from Aunt Carrie

The Amazing Aunt Carrie visited this weekend, bringing with her a bag of tricks for Sasha. She arrived in the evening, so he didn't meet her until the following morning. We were expecting him to be surprised to see her and a little wary, but nope, he saw her and gave her a big grin as if to say, "Hey I know you and I remember that you're pretty fun, too." So he climbed right up on her lap and she started playing hide-and-seek with a little cow she brought for him-- a game that never got old even after they played it all weekend.

We visited the Coney Island Aquarium, saw some fish and sharks and jellyfish, and ate an ungodly amount of grapes on the way home. Even Taylor got to enjoy a piece of the aquarium in the form of a stuffed penguin and some temporary tattoos with a sea life theme. She has a new obsession with penguins thanks in part to repeat viewings of "Happy Feet." When it's over she asks for "Mo...? Dancing...? Penguins....?"

Carrie also showered Sasha with gifts for his birthday: a warm hat (pictured below), a bouncy ball, and an excellent set of blocks. And a mostly empty bottle of water which he is playing with as I write this. The downstairs neighbor surely hates the blocks already-- Sasha loves to unstack the pile by slamming each block into the floor and halfway across the living room.

But the biggest news of all is that Carrie is so exciting she apparently warrants HIS FIRST STEPS. That's right, while we all were watching him play, he walked right to her! Yay!!!!! See the video clip below for more (filmed by Carrie).

Then he was too excited and couldn't do it again:


  1. Oh, I already have tears in my eyes missing mine and Sasha's morning hide-the-cow routine!! Love him!!! And I can't believe he's still loving the original 1/2 empty water bottle I had---so easy to please! :) I'll try to get some pics on my blog tonight (well, I posted the reunion video last night)---and I'll also put the rest of the pics on snapfish or kodak gallery. Miss you all!!!

  2. So sorry to have missed your visit, Carrie! Come back soon so you can hang in da Bronx. And that video of Sasha's first steps is priceless. I saw him yesterday but no repeat. Altho he is very secure at standing on his own so I think very soon he will be running across the room.

  3. Man, there's just nothing like video to make you feel like you're right there. He sure was steady walking to Carrie. Didn't wobble or anything! And I love him in that hat Carrie got him. He's is just so huggable and adorable! Lynn's so lucky!

  4. What a little cupcake! He's like a squeaky snuffy little mouse. Those were some excellent first steps. He certainly seems to adore Carrie! I just want to hug him he's so cute and happy.

    Oh, Nadya, I like the short hair! (I realize it was probably cut awhile ago, but I think I wasn't sure by previous pictures).

  5. Nadya got her hair cut the same day that picture was taken! Now, of course, Sasha and Mama look even more like a mirror image of each other.

  6. Ha, ha, it's true about the mirror image. I didn't even realize that the hair accentuates that.
