Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Eating is a Glorious Thing

The Mister's new set of teeth open up a whole 'nother world of eating. Check this out:

He was SO PROUD of his ability to eat a whole apple by little bitty gnaw-off-the-skin bites to huge hear-the-crunch-across-the-room bites. His mom was duly impressed. I gave it to him on a lark and never expected him to actually be able to devour it-- and without regard to the core, of course. Wendy says that babies live by the motto "Might as well try it!"

He also tested all of the household's Q-tips. He found the box under the bathroom vanity, opened it, and shook them all out. Then proceeded to taste one side of each. I debated keeping them to use the dry sides (yes I'm frugal and hey, might as well try it) but realized that in about 30 minutes they would all be indistinguishably dry, half with baby spit and half without. Nevermind. Future houseguests can rest assured all our Q-tips are sanitary!


  1. OMG! I'm so glad to see the apples with skin are indeed edible by the younger set!! I STILL peel all of TG's apples because I didn't think she would be able to chew up the peel--cripes!! I'm gonna give her one tomorrow and let her go to town.
    He looks SOOOOO proud of his accomplishment---love him!!!

  2. You sure get great expressions in your photographs. Good job! I love Sasha's big eyes in the middle picture. Man, all it took was one extra tooth on top and he's ready to eat everything the world has to offer him, skin and all!!!

  3. These pics are so cute. He definitely looks proud. Hee, hee- adorable.
