Friday, January 15, 2010

Ear Dialing

Sasha has discovered ear dialing. Highly efficient. And danceable.

Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm Sure There Was a Stampede at the Library

Sasha got his very own library card this week. I know it seems like jumping the gun a little bit, but there were extenuating circumstances. Even now Nerdy can recall the reverence in which she held her first and very own library card. She can describe in detail how the librarian spoke with her about how you treat a book ("books are your friends") and then let her write her 5-year-old signature on the card.

I thought that she might like to create a similar experience for the Bub and have it be a special day. But then I heard about the limited edition, only while supplies last, Sesame Street's 40th Anniversary celebratory Elmo library card. Yes, friends, Elmo himself is on the front of the card. Sasha may not care one whit about Elmo by the time he understands what a library is, but he can lovingly pull it out of my wallet until then. (And leave my $90 Metrocard alone.)

In the meantime, we have plans tomorrow for the whole family to go to the Central Library to enjoy the Sesame Street memorabilia and whatever else they have going on for the anniversary.

As part of the card application process, I authorized the Bub to be able to check out materials from the adult section as well as the children's section. That way when he sneaks out to the local branch and tries to check out The Communist Manifesto nothing stands in his way.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hair Emergency

Oh no. Why do I think I can do the job of a professional? Since I hacked up his hair the last time I tried giving him a cut, this time I thought I would soften the choppy look by using electric clippers. YouTube said it would be easy! We were afraid that the buzzing would scare the Bub, but instead he loved it like a head massage. I started with the back of his hair and it looked okay. So I moved on to the front. Just a little touch to his bangs to get them out of his eyes. But he was so cooperative he helpfully leaned forward and Bam! Instant balding hairline. Square in the middle of his forehead. We then tried going for the Caesar cut. Yeah, right. Nerdy and I discussed: what to do now??? There was only one solution. My heart hurts a little, but here he is in all his buzz cut glory:

While Googling how to cut a toddler's hair ('cause that's how professionals do it), I came across this post from Chris, blogger at Notes From the Trenches. I should have paid closer attention to it before the disaster.

How to cut a toddler’s hair in 25 easy steps

1. After looking at the sweaty haired toddler, determine he desperately needs a haircut
3. Get out the haircutting supplies while feeding self delusions of grandeur
4. Put cape around toddler, which he promptly tears off
5. Pick up the first piece of hair, hold it lovingly between fingers
6. Begin cutting the perfect hair cut
7. Toddler shakes his head furiously
8. Resulting in a bald spot
9. Delusions of giving the perfect haircut, where strangers would approach and ask for the name of my toddler hairdresser and then look at me incredulously and utter, “wow, you cut hair? You are amazing!” are shattered
10. Pin toddler between knees
11. Let toddler loose exactly 3.5 seconds later after fearing the neighborhood windows will shatter from his piercing screams
12. Scream, “Baby you’re so going to lose an ear if you keep up the writhing!”
13. Employ new method of haircutting, a.k.a how much worse could it look
14. Grab and cut random patches of hair
15. while following behind the running toddler
16. Running with scissors near son’s head
17. now THAT is behavior you hope your children will model
18. Encourage 3 yr old to have a turn cutting toddler’s hair
19. good parenting at it’s finest
20. This way when people ask if a child cut the toddler’s hair the answer is truthfully, yes
21. Wonder how a baby crew cut would look
22. Decide, wisely, against getting out the clippers
23. Realize there is a special place in hell for people who cut their own toddler’s hair
24. At least he has those dimples to distract people, and a cute sun hat
25. And really, does anyone who still craps their pants care what their hair looks like

Saturday, January 2, 2010

White Christmas, Baraboo

Our visit to Wisconsin for Christmas was a good time. Sasha and Taylor got along famously (well, mostly). They had fun sledding together, giving each other hugs and kisses, and sharing food.

Here's little stinker #1 pretending to be a baby by sitting in a high chair and wearing a bib. She thought it was hilarious. The pink cup in the foreground was quickly adopted by Sasha because it produces the best water and juice he has ever tasted. On the last day of our visit, she saw it and declared, "Sasha's!"

Here is TayTay teaching Sasha how to eat ketchup off your finger without having to eat any actual food.

A rare moment of peacefully sharing a toy.

Showing off a gift from Aunt Wendy, a sweet pair of snowpants.

Talking to Grandpa J. on the phone.

Grandma Z. being directed to the playground by Taylor who had enough of sledding.

Happy New Year to Everyone!!!