So the Energizer Bunny and I went to the park today before we get buried in snow and we're stuck inside for a while. We walked down the path a little (10 feet or so) until EB careened off to inspect something: a remnant of snow, a wood chip, a shiny piece of trash. All of the above. But what he eventually discovered and fell in love with is mud, particularly mud puddles. For the last month or so, he hasn't been able to pass a puddle of any size without stomping around in it for a few minutes. And a puddle with mud in it has stuff floating in it and makes cool swirling patterns.
The park, after 24 hours of rain, was a mud and puddle bonanza. He was running and falling all over the squishy ground and eventually I took pity on the dirty kid and picked him up and set him on the walking path for solid ground. But the path had, in addition to mud, some of the world's largest puddles, too. He ran straight at the biggest one and started stomping. I tried holding him by the collar so he didn't go in too deep but then I thought, hey, we're close to home, it's a huge inviting puddle, and why not let him get soaked up to his knees and then we'll head home. But what I didn't consider is that a deep puddle has sticky mud at the bottom. So there he is, stomping up to his knees in delight, when the mud slowed him down a little too much and he went face first into the muck. Oh my god, I thought, he just went swimming can he breath can he move what's underneath the water what's in that mud anyway and shit now I have to wade in up to my shins to get him. So I plucked the laughing bunny out and carried him home and into the shower. I tried to get a photo of his muddy glory but it doesn't do justice to the dirt, just the joy.