Friday, February 12, 2010

Animal Sounds

A video of Sasha reading his "Neighborhood Animals" book.

Note the Elmo pajamas around his neck. He also wears them on his head because he refuses to be parted from them even when they're too filthy to wear as PJs.


  1. What a little smartie pants! He was really thinking about the lady bug, and he came up with a soft little sound, so cute! He seems so much more "grown up" when he can "read" a book!!

  2. This is too funny! You can almost see his gears grinding when he comes across the bunny and ladybug---going through his filofax of animal sounds in his brain until he remembers which one he's looking for. It tortures me that I can't just pick him up and snuggle him!!!

  3. What a sweet voice he has! And the little rabbit sound which was really just the tongue moving in and out--right on, Sasha. I have bunnies at work that I see walking to my car at night--I always say hi to them. They usually run away, but last night that sat there and stared at me. Very intent. I think they were sending you greetings!
    And Moms, what sound DOES a ladybug make? I'm stumped. And agree with you, Carrie--you can see the gears grinding. And the brain cells mulitplying faster than the speed of sound. If only I had that capability at this age. ha ha!
    Alo! Great video. Thanks.

  4. It's true-- the ladybug was a trick question! What's funny is that we never make a sound for ladybug when we read the book, but one day he turned the page and started singing the ladybug song he knows. I loved it, so I thought he might do it for the camera, but instead he made up a ladybug squeak. Little cutie.

  5. omg, I LLLOOOVE it! That is so freakin adorable. And he does a great cat.
