Saturday, February 20, 2010

Once Upon A Time There Were 3 Cloves of Garlic

My two honeys enjoying the new issue of Cook's Illustrated. (Before dawn, naturally.) Hopefully he'll be cooking dinner by age 2. So far, he loves to stir things and to climb all over the Kitchen Aid mixer-- I think that's a good start.


  1. Pre-dawn reading of the Cook's Illustrated--doesn't every child do that at 15 months? Maybe he'll at least be a sous chef at age two. And I see the paparazzi is up pre-dawn also. Fun times. ;-)

  2. I love your comments Mollie! The paparazzi LOL! Who knew Nadya was a celeb! They both seem to be very engrossed in the cooking article. Although I think Sasha might be getting ready to turn the page!!

  3. Now there's an experiment. If you read cooking mags with him, will he want to cook at an early age? I think it could work. (If it does, I volunteer to babysit everyday).
