Friday, July 30, 2010

Talking and Pretending

Oh, the things you can learn from a little red monster. I checked out "Elmo Goes to the Doctor" video from the library (Well, he checked it out. On his Elmo library card.) When he watches it, I don't really pay attention because I'm using Elmo as a babysitter while I run around the house trying to pack a diaper bag, make a shopping list, check my email, whatever. So yesterday Nerdy and I were hanging out with the Bub, "helping" dig through his toy boxes. He found a piece of his medical kit, the ear scope thingy, and got all excited. He careened right toward my face, then stopped, turned my head, and said CHEKKADAH-EEYA, first looking in one ear and then the other, CHEKKADAH-EEYA. Nerdy immediately got the same CHEKKADAH-EEYA treatment, and we got our ears checked 3 or 4 times. A few minutes later, he found a plastic eggplant which I was instructed to "blabbedy blabbedy MOUF" so he could take my temperature. And Nerdy, too-- in the MOUF. Then more CHEKKADAH-EEYA. Then we had our temperatures taken under our AHMPEET (actually our elbows but we're not complaining).

He's really trying to talk now and getting much better with his pronunciation. He's a little echo, repeating most of what he hears. One of my favorites: ICE KEEMA. He loves it. He even demanded a popsicle for breakfast the other day. Fortunately, he eats so slowly that most of it melts before he's able to eat all that sugar.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Swimeem Graduation

"Swimeem" copyright Taylor Duggan, 2010.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Instant Friends

The Bub made a new friend last weekend: Lennox, the sweetest 4-year-old I've ever met. Lennox was visiting from Los Angeles with his moms (old friends of Nerdy). They first met in the playground and though initially they weren't interested in each other, they found common ground in a dusty patch of ground along the fence at the playground. I think they spent an hour or more just getting dirty.

The next day, they went to another playground together, this time playing in the sprinklers and getting soaked. They returned to our place where they debated some World Cup plays before we stripped off their wet clothes. They immediately decided playing naked was even better than playing with clothes on. So the jaybirds ran around, jumped on the bed, drew with crayons, and ate berries until it was time to get dressed to leave. But what a tragedy! They both cried to have to leave each other. Our promises of more fun the next day were barely enough to soothe their breaking hearts.

Fortunately, they were able to spend all the next day together, where they played dinosaurs, splashed in the pool, ate French fries for lunch, shared an ice cream cone, and ran around the playground for a few rounds of BeBaBo. No one but the two of them has any idea what game that is, but it involves chanting "BeBaBo," and circling around objects such as bike racks, trees, and lamp posts. I don't know a whole lot about 4-year-olds, but I assume that most wouldn't have the time of day for a "baby," much less play invented games for hours on end. Which is why Lennox is my favorite kid in California.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Visiting Aunt Margot in Dee Shee

We spent a weekend visiting Aunt Margot in DC. And while the New Jersey DOT did us no favors on the 7-hour trips there and back, we nonetheless had a fabulous time and really enjoyed ourselves.

To our surprise, Margot was instantly his best friend even though he hasn't seen her since January. I guess he's old enough to remember the good times of 6 months ago. (And being a dog owner doesn't hurt.) She sought out some select playgrounds before the king's arrival, so we visited a couple of them that were great for the outrageously hot weather: one totally shade-covered and another one with a gigantic sandpit, hundreds of toys, and a whole separate sprinkler wing. Hello, affluent neighborhood!

Another highlight of Sasha's trip was the bathtub. Understandably. It's green and has an open drain hole that comes with things to stick in it.

Only 19 months old and driving a stick shift; he may get his driver's license before his Mama.

On our last day, their aunt/nephew bond was solidified by a high energy dance to the tune of Outkast's "Polaroid Picture," where Margot taught him to "shake, shake, shake, shake, shake." Joyous.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


We went to the zoo on Monday, mid-heat wave, and lasted a good hour or more. Nana, Mama, Mahmoo, and (maybe) Sasha were all very proud of ourselves for venturing out of the air conditioning. That's the car dashboard on our return trip home.