Thursday, October 14, 2010


Yay!  We carved a pumpkin today.  Easier than usual with specially-designed pumpkin-carving tools courtesy of Nana and Zayde.  I thought Sasha would like pulling out the junk and sorting the seeds, but he recoiled from gooey stuff inside.  But when we lit a candle inside the end result, he was beside himself with joy.  He couldn't sit still and didn't seem to know even what to do with his hands because he wanted to touch it, but also not really.  Anyway, I got him to pose for a few photos.  They're blurry, alas, because he wouldn't sit still for the slower shutter speed required in the darkened room.  That's right, he wouldn't stop moving for one full second.

In the last picture, he wanted to show off his play-doh ice cream cone for the camera.  I made it out of boredom while watching him make 200 cookie-cutter apples, but he got so excited about it he wouldn't even pretend to share it with the dinosaurs. He cried when it fell apart.  But we put it back together (with reinforcements) and he is content with our morning of pumpkins and play-doh.


  1. Wow that's some jack-o-lantern! So glad the tools were helpful. I wish I had been there to see Sasha's reaction. This age is so great, everything is so exciting. And I don't know but I think Mahmoo is having the time of her life as well.

  2. Hmm... you may be right about that. While sitting on the kitchen floor elbows-deep in muck while Sasha showed little interest, I wondered who was really the primary beneficiary of this morning's activities.

  3. What an exciting morning! And that is one cool jack-o-lantern!! Special tools and all--did a wonderful job. I think the photos of Sasha with the pumpkin turned out well. And the 2nd photo shows that he WAS beside himself with joy. What will he be this Halloween? A play-doh ice cream cone? ;-) Ahh, to be a kid again.

  4. Very COOL pumpkin!! Of course you ARE quite the talented artist. I think the blurry shots are perfect for showing Sasha's excitement. He's so cute! And a Playdoh ice cream cone? He must think you're a genius! A pumpkin and an ice cream cone?!
