Thursday, October 7, 2010

Apple-Picking 2010

Last weekend we marked Sasha's second autumn on the planet by going apple- and pumpkin-picking with Nana and Zayde.  The weather was perfectly gorgeous, with sunny skies and a cool breeze.  The Bub had a good time stumbling through the tall grass and eating as many apples as possible.  He also loved the wagon until he got crowded out by the fruit.  And I had a good time eating the world's best cider doughnuts. Yum.

Satisfied with pumpkin selections.

Following Mama's lead and taking a rest in the orchard.

Eating an apple in each hand.

Ever-vigilant undercover agents scoping out national security orchard threats.

Three generations.

Ready to go after 10 apples and a bottle.


  1. I'm on a lunch break so checked for a Bub blog and voila--yay!! Looks like you all had a fun time!! And gorgeous day. Yowza. Cider doughnuts--mmmmmmmmm. They sell them up at the Julian (CA) Pie Shop with maple frosting. To die for. Did he really eat 10 apples? A former colleague of mine blogs about her twins who are now FIVE and just recently wrote how she felt so bad when the boy of the twins, Ryan, asked for another apple after eating three and she had to say no. I think you need to start a "teenage boy food bill" savings account starting today. ;-)

  2. And the "satisfied with pumpkin selections" photo is great--he has quite the beatific smile. And love the undercover agent caption. I'm sure you make Homeland Security proud.

  3. All of this a clever ruse to get to eat burgers,beer and fries at the Blazer (former favorite summer dinner hang out of the Rosens). Sasha has been initiated!

  4. @Lynn--that's great! LOL. One of these days Sasha will say, skip the apple-picking, let's go have a beer and burger at the Blazer.

  5. What a great set of pictures to look back on when Sasha's an adult. Beautiful sky, beautiful weather and of course beautiful grandson! I agree with Mollie that his "satisfied smile" is perfect. And then to make the day even more perfect, you got to stop at a favorite restaurant. That whole day has got to be heaven on earth or pretty close!
