Saturday, April 30, 2011

Poor Baby

The Bub is well into his third day of fever.  He's so sick, we had to check our ears when he told us, "I want to go to bed."  He spent almost all day yesterday and most of today sleeping or lying around.  Strangely, he's in good spirits and we don't see any other signs of illness.  A mildly runny nose and no appetite, but those things happen a lot anyway.  Remembering that he usually gets a fever every time he gets new teeth, we just checked his mouth and lo and behold: new teeth!  The tiny peaks of his last 2 molars are just beginning to poke through the gums.  Look out, celery!


  1. This picture tugs at my heart strings like crazy! So good to have a reason for his symptoms...kiss him lots for me.

  2. Poor baby is right! Hope he's feeling better soon. (Wonder what it is about teeth coming in and feeling lousy & feverish?) Hug him from his great aunt Mollie. Maybe a popsicle would taste good to him.Alo.

  3. Awww, poor thing. Taylor is dealing with the same thing, high fever, asking to go to bed at 6pm, etc. Unfortunately, no teeth to blame, only pre-school viruses. I hope he feels great when you come to visit----can't wait to see you guys!!!
    Agree with Mollie, a popsicle would be well-deserved:)

  4. I hope Sasha's teeth come in fast! Poor baby. It must really bother him to not feel like being his active self. What a little sweetie I see (from Carrie's response) that you're going out to visit!! Lucky lucky Grandma Monica. Lucky Sasha. Is the visit coming up soon? Wish I could be there to meet all my new little relative (oh and the bigger ones too;-) There are two more grandchildren to add to the list. I was blessed with Danielle (Dani) 10, and Cassandra (Cassie) 14 on April 23 when Sean married their mother Susan. So there are six grandchildren now!! That happened fast!!

  5. Awww the picture is so sad! And so NOT the Sasha I know. Teeth are just horrible for little people. I can't imagine how much complaining there would be if it happened to adults!! Did you go the popsicle route?

  6. The Bub is feeling much better now! He's almost back to his old self.

    Yes Mollie & Mom, he got lots of popsicles (when he wasn't sleeping or shivering from fever).

    Maureen-- 0 to 6 grandkids in 3 years is quick. And send along a picture of Mason when you can. I haven't seen a recent photo!

  7. @Maur--you have three grandchildren and the rest are a great niece and great nephews (1 and 2). You can't hog them all, right Grandma Monica?!
    ;-) Or maybe you meant there were SIX grandkids between the two of you--okay, you need to add my two kitties and one dog, just because. And right, they really aren't grandkids--they'd be nieces and nephews. ha ha.
