Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Feet: The 4D Experience

Sasha describes a movie for Mama.


  1. Sounds like a good movie with the happy penguin and the mad penguin. And the bubbles? Outside the movie? Is there a story there? I haven't seen the movie.

  2. LOL at Mon's comments. It was great to watch this but really wasn't quite sure what his story was--but that's mostly my computer's fault because the video kept stopping and starting, so I know I missed some important lines! And you know, I really tried to follow the story, but I'm an adult and my imagination couldn't keep up with what the bubbles were doing. Keep telling stories, Sash! And I love his new blog proflie photo.

  3. You know those comments I just posted were from today but I watched it last night--I just watched it again with better streaming--I love it when he laughs with you guys and that he "watched the whole thing!!" I get more of the movie now--very trippy. ;-)

  4. It's not your computer-- his story makes almost no sense if you weren't there to see it. You should hear his bed time stories. They're surreal and yes, trippy.

    The bubbles were the 4D part. It's a short movie that's in 3D ("my own glasses"). The 4th dimension is the water and air that get blasted onto you during the movie and the seat rumbling, etc. Bubbles get blown all over the theatre. When we went, they turned on the lights and opened the doors and there were still lots of bubbles floating around ("Bubbles were on the outside"). As you can guess, Sasha was fascinated by it. He tried staying in the theatre because maybe the movie wasn't over yet since there were still bubbles floating around ("Mamu said I can't go to the movie.")

  5. OMG, so there really were bubbles on the "outside." You can tell I don't have a young child in my life who would drag me to all these great movies I keep hearing about (from friends too). LOL at your last comment. Poor bambino. Mean Mamu. NOT! xx

  6. That sounds like a great movie for a kid- the whole 4D thing. I didn't understand that outside thing either. I thought the bubbles continued while the credits were rolling or something. I love his mad penguin versus the happy one.

  7. Okay, so I don't have a life on a Saturday night--I'm in new blog withdrawal, so watched the video again. I just needed to see Sasha in action. So sweet. Love it when he is laughing with you guys. And my computer didn't hiccup once so video streamed right through. Alo~

  8. I'm in new blog withdrawal, too. Unfortunately, I'm the one in charge of doing something about it! I got some more photo and video, so I will try to post something soon, even if the quality isn't up to par.

  9. You do such a great job with your blogging. Hope we don't put too much pressure on you! Maybe the Bub could write one of the blogs with you transcribing! That would be fun and interesting! Maybe something about what his favorite animals are, or what's his favorite food, or what he likes to do in the park (besides run as fast as he can!).
