Monday, September 19, 2011

School, Week 2

Since my last post, we've had some more rough mornings at school.  Thursday and Friday mornings were clinging, tear-filled, forcible goodbyes.  So we feared what would happen this morning after a weekend filled with lots of family time.  We started out on a good note. Sasha got dressed without a fight and said a happy goodbye to me on his way out the door.  After donning his cape, of course.

And then, on to school.  One block from school, he asked Mama to carry him.  This was not a good sign.  In fact, while doing some internet research on how to help preschoolers adjust, I found one person who suggested not carrying them to school because it makes the parting even harder and undermines the "big  boy" aspect of going to school.  I don't find that convincing. Nonetheless, when Sasha asks to be carried, it's usually because he's tired or needs some love; neither of those reasons are going to help ease the transition.

Mama agreed to carry him and when they arrived, Sasha said good morning to his teachers (an improvement) and walked in by himself.  Nerdy said he hesitated in the entryway for a minute, as though deciding whether or not this was going to be okay with him. Ultimately he chose to agree: he gave Mama a kiss and hug goodbye, and she was out the door within 5 minutes, leaving a happy Bub in her wake.


  1. Bless you two for having the patience to let the Bub go at the pace he needs to go. You are divine parents. This too shall pass! It's a difficult transition for him--I don't know why. I wished I did. Maybe a clairvoyant could help you?!

  2. Good luck! As Mollie says, this too shall pass. The picture is cute. He must have been cruising!

  3. and i love this photo as well. This not-quite 3-year old is a phenom in so many ways! I mean a scooter? and balanced on it!? my hat is off to this sweet Bub! & wearing a cape at the same time. Wow!

  4. He was cruising in this photo. He can scooter but he still doesn't have it quite right yet. He's figured out how to push with one foot and hold it up to glide (before he just kept pushing, pushing, pushing which misses the point of scooter in my opinion). But for some reason he now thinks he has to lean back as far as possible while on one foot. It's impossible to steer that way on a 3-wheeled scooter, so he just teeters and totters at high speed until he wipes out. The cape is helping, though, because midway through his phenomenal wipeouts he suddenly defies gravity and lands on his feet with the scooter in hand as Nerdy and I stop cringing and breathe again.

  5. I'm so glad to hear school is going better. Love the photo too. He looks so happy! He sounds like quite the daredevil on that scooter! He sounds like a typical no-fear two year old boy! YAY

  6. I just noticed his cool helmet! What is the design? And maybe time for kneepads for those high-speed wipeouts?! ;-) Oh wait, skinned knees are part of childhood--I have plenty of knee scars to show for it. LOL.
