Monday, September 12, 2011

Sorry to Report

Today was not a good day for Sasha on his first full day of school.  He was perfectly fine while getting him dressed this morning, but when it came time to put on his shoes, "No."  Would he like to wear his green shoes or his sandals?  "I'm not going to choose because I'm not going to school." But school was fun last week!  "I don't want to go to school, I want to stay home and play with my toys and with you."

Uh oh.  We expected resistance, but not today, not before he's even experienced a full day there.  I had to carry him out of the apartment while he cried and clung furiously to the doorknob. He proceeded to cry all the way to school (5 blocks) and into the building.  Even seeing all the kids who were there having fun didn't matter.  The teachers tried cajoling him into staying.  I showed him the sandbox (with dinosaurs!) they had set up and he paused through the tears, but when I tried putting him down to play with it, forget it, he wasn't that interested after all.

Finally, Nerdy and I just said goodbye and handed him over to a teacher. The agony.  I believe tears were shed all around.

After I picked him up and we arrived home, I told him how proud I was that he stayed at school and had a good time (according to his teachers) even though he was crying in the morning.  He said, "Well, even though I was good today, I don't want to go to school tomorrow." Then we had some good playing-on-the-floor time with cars and little people which unfortunately ended with 15 minutes of bashing my guy with each of his superheroes and Toy Story people in turn.  If you aren't familiar with his collection, that's a lot of bashing. And before bed, he reminded both of us again that he definitely does not want to go to school tomorrow.

So now I go to bed with dread in my heart.


  1. Aww, you poor thing. This may just be a normal part of growing up, I don't know, but at the same time are you sure this school is OK when the parents are gone? Is there a particular teacher(s), kid(s), event that happened, or feeling that is making him not want to go there? My heart goes out to you. That sounds sooo hard!! Hugs and kisses to you all!! (Adorable panda pic!).

  2. Oh it just brought tears to my eyes to hear how much he doesn't want to go to school. And then to get to the adorable pic of the "sad" Panda, it only increased the tears:( I hope things get better/easier. If only he could explain what he's not happy about. School has kids to play with and cool stuff to do! How difficult this is for all of you! Please know I'm thinking of all three of you. The pain must be so hard. Hugs and kisses.

  3. Oh you guys--all three of you! Heartache and tears all around. Sending you lots of hugs! I have to say that at least he is saying what he doesn't want to do, even though he ended up doing it anyway. Seems like you two handled his school issue very well--for the day. He just loves his Mamu and Mama, and he has been with Mamu every day since he can remember. So big changes for everyone--and the little guy who doesn't have any memory to fall back on about "going to school." Hang in there. I'm feeling for you all.

  4. My heart goes out to the 3 of you. As Mollie says "big changes for everyone" and change, although good, is never easy! He'll get there.

  5. Thank you for your thoughts, everyone. Yes it's so hard. But today went so well I have high hopes that the transition is easing. Probably Sasha is realizing that being around lots of kids all the time has its advantages. And the school and teachers seem to be doing their best to provide entertainment every minute. (@Wendy, if the teachers are problematic, I'm pretty sure Sasha would say so; his social radar seems well-tuned).

  6. That's good. I've seen and heard about roughhousing by daycare teachers, and I wonder if kids have the ability to discuss passive-aggressive behavior. At any rate, I'm sure Sasha knows he'd be listened to and protected by Nerdy & you. I'm probably just a little paranoid. He just loves you guys & misses y'all is probably all it is.
