Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Particular Toddler.
Or, The Little Dictator.

I know it's a toddler thing to be bossy and easily obsessed, but when does it enter the Twilight Zone?  I may have to rename Sasha's baby book Tales of the Bizarre.

Every morning when the Bub wakes up, he calls for us to come and pick him up and carry him back to our bed.  Why he can't just get out of his own bed and walk to ours?  He tried and tried again, but couldn't make it work with his little arms.  Because he doesn't travel alone.  Each morning when I'm beckoned, I find him meticulously stacking his three prized pillows into a neat column, all upright and facing the same way.  (Remember Piggy and Sister Piggy?  They've been joined by a purple Hippo.)  Then I pick up him with the stack in his arms and carry him to the next room.  Recently, he's been telling me to carry him "like an elevator," whatever that means-- I believe it means to put him down with a crashing sound, but I'm just guessing and so far that appears to satisfy him.

Upon getting in our bed, he demands that Nerdy and I ditch our own pillows and lay our heads on the new arrivals.  Nerdy must remove her pillows from the bed completely.  But we can't just casually lay our heads down.  Oh no!  First, he carefully determines in the dark which one is which, then hands them out: Sister Piggy to Mamu, Piggy to Mama, and Hippo to the dictator.  They are set down, heads facing out, tags on the right, fluffy side up.  Hippo must be placed in the exact center of the bed. Only then we are allowed rest peacefully while he drinks his cup of milk.

Sometimes the orderliness is totally unfathomable.  One day we built Batman and Superman out of Legos.  Here they are:

As usual when Sasha is involved with Lego-building, things fall apart frequently and must be repaired.  Predictably, Superman had a Humpty Dumpty moment and had to be put back together again.  But, as you can plainly see from the following before and after photos, I did it WRONG.  The creature on the right is clearly a ROBOT, and NOT Superman.  The obvious difference, worthy of hysterics, is that the robot has a small-to-non-existent forehead.  Duh.  How could I have confused the Superman (36 Legos) with the robot (35 Legos)?

Fortunately for everyone, Sasha's need for perfection can at times be fooled by his own cleverness.  When we had an early birthday party for Sasha during the visit from the Wisconsin contingent, he received both a Spiderman mask and a Captain America shield.  After the party was over, he was wearing both when he sat on the floor and complained, "There's a ploblem."

"The ploblem is, I can be Spiderman and Captain America, but Spiderman isn't one of the Avengers."

We agreed that Spiderman was not a member of the Captain's posse.  He was perplexed, but it was time for bed, so that ploblem would have to be dealt with later.  By dawn the next morning, he had it all figured out.  He crawled into our bed with the shield and the mask, announcing that he was now Tony Stark.  (I forgot to mention this part of the morning bed routine: he is Tony Stark a/k/a Iron Man, I am Tony's friend James, and Mama is Tony's other friend, Pepper.  We have to have at least one conversation in character.)  "I'm Tony.  I'm wearing Spiderman's mask and I'm borrowing Captain America's shield.  [Pause.]  For a lot of, lot of days."  Ploblem solved.


  1. And you wonder what is going on when he wakes in the middle of the night? The stroke of genius does not know the constraints of time! Duh!

    Wonderful post!

  2. I never saw signs of the dictator when we visited. I think he just likes to be the dictator of his moms. What do you think? How could he possibly see that ONE lego was missing? I have to admit that I had to look at them very carefully but still had to read your text of what was missing. By the way I love your Lego Batman and Superman. Sasha is so lucky he's got such a creative mamu!

  3. Agree with Lynn: genius does not know the constraints of time. LOL. And Mon, yeah, I couldn't put together a Lego anything--maybe a square house with one window--so Wisco, did you grow up with Legos? I did see the diff between the robot Superman and the real Superman--one extra blue lego was all he needed for a forehead and some brains. Or was that dark matter at the top? Ha ha.
    Sasha has quite the the morning routine! No wonder he fought going to school--way too much to organize at home. As an inquistive non-mom adult: do kids do this to start getting control over their world?

  4. Maybe Mollie's theory/question is right. And those are some fancy lego creations.

  5. SO funny!! I seriously had to study the lego creations carefully to even find the difference!! Very nice creations, by the way!

    And, yes, I do think it's a way to control their little world in any way they can. Taylor has very much been into "organizing" things. Any thing that has multiples (deck of cards, Memory game cards, craft popsicle sticks, etc.). I was warned of this behavior by other seasoned moms, and sure enough, it has started!

    I didn't see Sasha's dictatorship behavior when visiting either!! In fact, he was a very willing "student" for Taylor, going in to Time Out frequently when she demanded it :)

  6. Yes, well he was probably on his best behavior for visiting relatives! And thanks to Taylor, I have now been repeatedly instructed to sit Criss Cross Applesauce. Apparently I don't do it right.
