Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treating

Sasha went trick-or-treating tonight with his friend Annabelle the Scary Tiger.  I think neither one of them could believe the awesomeness of it.  Walk up to someone's door, say "Trick or treat," and then people give you candy!  But they needed each other to brave the front door, not one without the other.  Adorable!  They inspected each treat as they went along, building their candy vocabulary.  Sasha saw a Hershey's Kiss for the first time and after admiring its shininess, popped it in his mouth, foil and all.


  1. A family of Green Lanterns- also adorable!

  2. They both look so brave walking up the steps to the house. Wonder what they were talking about. What did Sasha think about the foil on the Hershey's Kiss;-)? Distinct family resemblance in the last pic!!

  3. So cute that they needed each other to brave the initial walking-up-to-door of trick or treating!!! Love the family photo :)

  4. I love the Green Lantern Family! So cute! How in the world has Sasha never seen a Hershey's kiss before?

  5. How cute that you all dressed up as the Green Lantern Family. @Wendy, he apparently isn't being raised by the famous "candy drawer" queen!! I absolutely love the photos. The first where Sasha's body language is showing a little nervousness. The second where two adorable little tykes are trouping up the big stairs to a big house, so darling! I love this post!
